2:26am Sleep? We'll see. I wish I'd posted my ad looking for cool people who use meth, but have not quite gone crazy yet. Writers. ha. I don'thave any evedence, even anicdotal to support that. I've never heard it.. except to say, I write on meth and I love it. I have no fear it's excellent, so I...
Act Two. It’s really worth finding act one.
Drug Posts, Fiction, Personal Journey, Second Life | brain, drug, fiction, finding, it’s, journey, life, Live, Live Brain Transcript, one., personal, posts, really, script, Second Life, transcript, two., worth
I grab a handful of Hershies kises from my salad bowl. I have admired that Hersheys kisses may be cute and addictive but I admire their shape because I bleieve it is engeniered to allow for a specific maximum per grab. I walk away with a serving size of chocolate. If they were any other shape, I'd...
ACt Two. It’s really worth finding act one.
General Blog Messages, Second Life | blog, finding, general, it’s, life, messages, one., really, Second Life, two., worth
I grab a handful of Hershies kises from my salad bowl. I have admired that Hersheys kisses may be cute and addictive but I admire their shape because I bleieve it is engeniered to allow for a specific maximum per grab. I walk away with a serving size of chocolate. If...
Do I really want my dreams?
Dream Universe, General Blog Messages | dreams, really
One of the side effects of becoming a bit.. ding.. of becoming more confident, is that you begin to believe that some of your dreams might actually be possible.If I remember how well I've behaved with people, and women in particular before, I understand I will be that...