December 2022 was an always high month, so naturally, I made a lot of compilation movies. [lmt-post-modified-info] [gallery type='google' view='photos' album_id='ACG1XVNjw4yZ9eJWL2Q2iu3aHMSgZiGUXa8tNiK5eYw-uYe_Uo85jG-S89hf-qKVdSUdNObILPzQ' count='300' more='More' title_position='none'...
It's 3:14 as I start to write this. Pie time. Earlier today I ate a fridge cold apple "pie" from McDonald's. It's not really a pie at all, but it did contain what appears and tastes like Apple in a hand holdable shape. They call it a pie. It's Monday. Sometime in...
While much of the world around me pulls out their ugly Christmas sweaters and goes shopping at the mall, the spirit of Christmas seems to be everywhere. The truth is deeper, hidden behind fake smiles and cheerful greetings as we pass through doors held open for us by...