When I was talking about this project to chat gpt I compared it to building a boat in your driveway although I was thinking of the NCIS story where he built a boat in his basement over the course of many years. The point had nothing to do with boats but just that having a long term project with a...
Club.frogstar project ideas
Club Frogstar | club, community, projects, social media
A stream of consciousness blog typed at the speed of my thoughts. Ideas about my dream clubhouse for like minded people to gather and share fun times instead of staying alone.
Blah Queezy
Drug Posts | dehydration, diarrhea, friends, goals, meth, projects, streaming, struggle
I knew that I would get distracted by the fact that I used the word queasy in the title and queasy is a fun word to say and kind of a neat word in general. People are crazy they're not usually having a great day. In fact feeling crazy can be very distracting to your...
Oh wow. It’s still Monday
Drug Posts, The Struggle | insomnia, projects
I know that 1:45am is technically Tuesday but I was actually a bit surprised. It felt like more than one day of work. My morning 5am bump has not only allowed me to work the entire day on a project, it seems it's not scheduled to slow down and let me get to sleep. I'm...