Watching my Webcams
These two webcam excerpts were filmed on the same day, with a few meth hits in between.

Watching my Webcams

Two videos made today as the first in what I hope will be a regular series. The first one is a general welcome to the webcam blogging series, although me being me, it goes off in tangents describing some of my stuggles with ADHD and drugs and growing up alone inside my head without much guidance. My ADHD and asexuality come out verbally once I get spun and start talking to the camera. I also explain why I love having webcams in my bedroom.

The second one is similar but talks more specifically about being a crystal meth user and producer of meth contet videos. They both are qute personal but I hope relatable. I discuss the drug community and go into my personal opinions on the meth stigma that played a role in how I ended up here.

The TV was on for the first part of one, and I tried to filter it down with no success. When I take the bong hit and sit up, it gets much better.
As with all my ideas, I have good intentions to keep it up and build it into a daily routine.


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