As I lie here at 9:45 on May 1st I contemplate staying here for a brief nap and starting my productive day closer to noon as I have done many times in the past 2 months. Good morning routine which includes blowing white clouds of smoke is a good reason to not try...
I woke up from a particularly good dream this morning by a dog bark. One single dog bark. It was eventually followed by a second Park and the third but spanned out over time. One bark every 30 seconds or so seems to be more efficient at waking humans than a flurry of...
I'm having one of those moments in life where I have to make a decision, or not. I have a lot of these moments and they go by without a blog post because I stall long enough that the decision is made for me. That will probably happen today as well, but before that, I...
When I think abouteveryone, I am usually content with the thought that I am one of them, and my level of awareness is ine with the understanding of intellegence. Akthough my mental illnesses effect the way I react to information, and a lotof comparring myself to...
In at least one modern version of Sherlock Holden, he is not aware he's being turned into a sharable story. Watson's begins to journal their adventures in secret, to maintain authenticity. Homes solving riddles and clues like nobody before was story worthy. I feel...