The Dosage Myth
One thing I’ve always been fascinated by is the quantity of medication required to do a specific task. I’m not referring to dosage but more literally to the actual quantity of medication that is included within each pill. Society has been conditioned to think that bigger is better in many aspects of life, and drugs… Read More »

The Dosage Myth

One thing I’ve always been fascinated by is the quantity of medication required to do a specific task. I’m not referring to dosage but more literally to the actual quantity of medication that is included within each pill.

Society has been conditioned to think that bigger is better in many aspects of life, and drugs are one of those areas where size doesn’t always matter. The size of the pill is quite often an arbitrary factor created more for identification and convenience, often unrelated to the actual amount of medicine within.

People would not accept medication if it were not presented in an easy-to-pick-up size. Some medications active ingredient is a few milligrams and the rest is some powdered substance deemed safe to ingest.  If you’ve ever looked at a capsule-based medication and seen all the teeny dots inside, often one dot is enough medicine and the rest is a placebo.

The same is true for recreational drugs. Frequently the active dose of a drug like cocaine is a small fraction of what the user thinks. A tiny line may pack the same punch as a huge fat line of the drug. People just make the assumption big means a better high.

With my meds, a very tiny dose of Adderall is inside the fat capsule. In fact, it includes four separate doses with the teeny dots and each is digested at different intervals throughout the day. You notice effects even if you only I just one or two of those dots.

I have come to learn the same is true for my meth. The mere wiff of some smoke or a teeny line snorted directly has what I need. Enough to give me several hours of clear minded ADHD assistance.

Enough to get me through a nice productive period of focused work.

That’s where I am today, getting invoices out and looking for some extra web design work from my clients to make up for a low cheque month. I need to make enough or borrow enough for some food and a few bills. Then I’ll have to do it again next week and again until I can send out April invoices.

The tiniest amount of smoke helped. Burned off the brown spot of an old dirty pipe. I’m happy, focused and working… And starving too, but I hope to resolve that soon.

Tags: dose | drugs | meth


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