Frogstar World C (The Orange Window Universe)
The First Draft of tis will be amazingly different than the one I share. I exp[ect it will be good enough to be praised.
All you need is one fan to call your friend
All you need to change your universe is a friend to be a fan of.
You always wrote your one stories, even if you didn’t know it.
You are your own universe.
I created a share-woirthy universe and it might just bllow your mind.
It might just blow everyone’s mind.
It turns out humans adapt and evolve. I am happier in my own custom universe than I am in the one I was born in. Of course I am. I created it.
Writrten earlier, now presented out of order.
We Astra could market to the lunch crowd, the meet up people, the blind/speed date people, radio Minter views about the annual readers retreat, the oldest recognized gathering of book fans in Canada, now in it’s 38th year.
Our annual meeting is in the Greater Toronto Area for 2019.
It’s the book and story fans convention and party.
Singles and Couples have been meeting each year for a 3 day festival of sharing. More programming options than the others, all related to Science fiction, fantasy and reading in general…
The authors walk around like anybody else. Autograph sessions are free. You can even have brunch on Sunday with your favourite guest of honour, past or present.
Learn worthwhile skills from industry leaders and everyday fans. Discuss topics in moderated room forums ranging from the Star Trek arguments to how to find an agent.
Add Entertainment, Karioke, a Masquerade Ball and a game show. Genre related art on display and for sale, an auction and multi player games all weekend long.
If We Astra was on a cruise ship, that’s how packed the programming is. Always more than two choices.
We should sell it as a weekend entertainment package. a getaway. a retreat. a great first away date
as a destination for all canada
travel packages.
dog sitting available side his integrated
The one.
The one business that encompasses everything. NetBound Group of Companies
Orange Shirt Support
Orange Shirt Blogs
Orange Shirt Tips
The Orange Shirts
Church not Orange
Banana Chat Cards
The mini documentary game is a phone app to be played by 2-10 players, each on wifi with a cell phone.
No…. One sharable cell phone and an app that locks all functions but the app so it can be passed around to trusted party friends.
OH. if you use your own phone you don’t need to be in the same room.
bing start as a room web site.
The premise: the cake announced clip says; hello, good evening and welcome to unexpected documentaries. The show where we put the camera on a contestant, and then give them a topic to talk about, as the camera streams live to the group of the world. However, they’re not allowed to be slow, say him or other pause words, to off topic, repeat themselves or be silly.
Contestant judges can buzz into the stream at any time and call CUT. They give a reason why they feel the documentary should be reshot due to breaking one of the rules. If the host director agrees, you immediately start your minute on the same topic.
The game continues till a one minute doucmentary is complete.
Points are awarded for each second you last, and each valid CUT
LOVE IT. Easy, and the share potential is awesome. CHAT ROOMS NEED TOPIC HOSTS!
Robin spoiled the magic of Howard Stern for me once.
she admitted she is a character.
The magic shattered.
I now only see mimette as the jump the shark moment because I can only believe he is a character. His character is producing far more bankable air time than anything he could imagine in the back, but as a character only, be is more like Chris Elliott’s Letterman character. If we are to believe it’s reality as Howard needs us too, he’s gone to far. he has to know how crazy be is.
on some level he’s acting, and once you imagine that, it’s a part of my universe as an option. it is a might be, and then everything fits to that story until it doesn’t.
I can’t believe I believe everyone else, but Minette makes me challenge trust in a very real way. If the show is more improv in a character than real, it’s still genius, and still a listen, but it will have lost magic.
if Richard isn’t real, —
la la la. Let’s not create that imagination option.
Orange drop shippers
Avon is a good idea as long as nobody knows more about.
my church will employee you.
I’m even ok calling it a cult, on purpose.
A cult is the completion to a church that controls the biggest number of followers.
if everyone is orange, there is no disadvantage
In my universe, there is no race
there is no nation
there are no borders
in my universe you can live your dream
you can live your stories
you can train for the shared universe and be a better person
or order food to your door and never leave.
you can be ageless and invinisible
you can fly
you can ride a dinasaur
you can travel in time
you can rent a Hillshire at Quarks
You can create a holodek mystery with Dixon hill
You can hire and Island with Mr Clarke and tattoo
you can be part of a fast, or an observant sleuth playing murder mysteries
you can choose a world with difference, like sliders
you can live on sets of shows and movies and dress as stars
you can shoot a movie
you can shoot porn
you can shoot a talk show.
you can host staff parties
you can sell real live virtual cruises
audio books could be told in the sets with robot avatars scripted or you
you can live and work on a Starfleet vessel.
Live and work.
dear people and blind people.
People all speaking your language in any country
your business can hire 24 your staff that can work multiple locations at once in a team so you have limited waiting
ANY business could open a virtual location, even 10-6 or 9-5 or whatever from with existing staff working both universe
automated avatars could be shown in both universes simultaneously.
it could income for millions of stay at homes or non job people and millions more who would rather not.
stable and unstable inclined available
ease of use avatars
both universe need dating services, not eating apps. hosted dates. organized activities and conversations to mingle and flirt in a pre date situation.
looks minded dating.
a virtual cruise ship.
started and functional, in the pocket window universe
all audiobooks could be converted but imagine the market for guidedhours
Stoner parties organized for 2-20 friends created by the hour in serial or stand alone.
Adventures where you either sit and donothing for a guided ride or four, or you have basic walk skills and Open SIM gestures on a menu.
I’m a big fan of the phone controlling a full minimum command, display screen or 3D screensaver.
OPenSim movies, stories you watch, catered to your type of stone and or drug… with friends provided or invited
Survivor like arrangements in the alternate universe
10 strangers full time or on demand but running 24/7
Game shows
Reality shows
TV shows
TV network
Art galleries
all members of the church get full access and most of it is free of fair wages or so[onsored
Town replication
neighbourhood replication
1000 could be 100000 when needs are copyable virtual products with real world wages values
developer Jobs are pretty low stress jobs easy to learn if sold well and taught well.
think of opens in as a real replacement universe you could move to and be rich faster
food delivery in world delivers real world
or eat in world with friends and same deal world
pay in world and hire from our agency. all screened employees that can check in when they feel like it. The pool always provides sworn for fixed minimum wage and up… but you can work 20 jobs at once.
avatars ao makes you seem real and you can type, talk, or type and the Avatar talks. a call centre could work essentially the same in both universes except in mine, the staff interact in person, not over the phone.
The cell phone is duplicated in both universes.
everything you do now as far as social media is concerned, you can do from my universe, while earning money.
even as an undercover host. Paid minglerss, trainers and guides, both live and recorded.
Every job you can imagine can be duplicated in world and marketed in both universes. Every interest group.
Conventions exist in both worlds
Screens in one universe can call real world people to ask questions from kiosks in my universe
Builders and designers and line workers would have all the construction equivalent. The universe could appear quickly because everyone and everything business literally buys their own server and the it from their own bedroom and office or laptop, live 24/7 or on demand.
You can buy your own universe and connect it with a transporter, star gate rings, TARDIS, elevator, infinite improbability drive, or even Holodek to spend time in the shared cities and islands in mine.
In fact, you are free to do everything I’m doing in yours as smurphs or dragons of vikings or cartoons.
Or as characters from any story every told with permission.
This could re-vitalize EVERYTHING IN EXISTANCE to whoever buys the rights first.
RP Games can be sold and linked to this universe.
Movies can be sold at reduced prices but still with profits and staff as needed. The interacts with humans everywhere is key. Some roles can be boys but drop-in ;live actors will always be more fun, especially if interaction and participation becomes key.
ALL actors in paid roles can also be keys in various games. Asking them or interacting while you buy popcorn at the theatre could also give you a clue to another game. You ask for Pop corn and they sell it to you but also tell you an ad or a deal or a room or a party or a game.
Watching Star Wars in my universe you could;do also learn about a chat in a library Street the show or a number of podcasts or As Astra panels
Questions to panelists could be on demand. Preset lectures but questions instantly page your cell phone to replace the NPC and answer Live.
EVERY viewing could have a question period every night at 8 with 40 new people sitting and watching.
Collectables are easy to produce and sell or trade or just decorate your home or pad with
YES>>>> you can buy a home or a pad or a condo or a mansion and rent space in our twins, cities condos or casinos.
Or trailer parks or stay in hotels all over the universe. Always busy because One Hilton has all the guests from all over the world.
Each virtual business is as busy as you want to market it. Toronto and Hong Kong have the same concierge staff, from our pool of trained front desk and support staff.
Each Hotel can have it;a own version of the universe with fully staffed convention space, bars complete with intoxicants and manners.
Strict no asshole policy in hotels but motels can take anybody, including escorts or various links and quslities
Bad districts exist in my universe, but if you overdose, you’ll be fine tomorrow.
The universe is designed to work together not in competition. Mansions may cost more than condos but anyone can earn and share and barter.
Labour is important because it has to be able to replace the real world, but expenses are minimum because you can require less. You can spend less in the shared universe.
I believe hymns might exist in both so people can stay connected as in shape of they desire.
Walking can also be required in RL to visit some destinations. Only accessible after 3000 confirmed RL steps.
Remember… The Pocket Windows Universe in a phone app.
You can pop into my unievsre on demand at any time.
KULTHOUSE – My name for the church/mosh/sinaguq equivalents to my universe community centers. In my universe anyone can apply and train to be a kulthouse
If you buy a server package, you can run your own community of anything but the
The OrangeCircle
You can register your own Orange Cycle. It is a self contained universe. Different packages are available from single meeting room like the ones found at the library or Church basements, to a party room, chill room, Island, beaches, dance club or whatever people build.
EVery member of my universe must agree to belong to at least one OrangeCircle and attend at a given time and day each week, or alternative at least once a week.
They will be open and staffed by volunteers or staff 24/7 but sermons will be given at set times and a round table or sharing is welcome.
outreach programs and classes or seminars and all benefits of church can be made available.
Any home circle servers must have at least one Orange circle or provide free access to an existing open circles public orangehaus. attendance is not mandatory but access to services is attendance based.
You can buy one way access to my universe if you don’t want the church benefits.
The Universe is called Rabbit
The universe is called Orange Rabbit
The universe is called Orange Mionday
Each one has a set of rules. The Orange Circle logo, and community guidelines. The Orange SCommunity Shared Stories and Seromns and a one day a week gathering without fail at a set time for community sharing.
Our universe moral is lowering constantly. The more people we birth, the more money we need, the more greed triumphs and hope is hard.
This has been the case since we learned certain grunts were handy to remember on day 1.
we may feel like it’s way worse now and site changes in our lifetime, but I assure you, everyone born on earth could do the same. We have always experienced more change in our lifetime than ever before.. and so did our ancestors.
WHat if I told you in the future, we may be able to start again. WHat if somebody figured out a way to tweak the universe and reboot.
To literally turn the universe off and on again, starting with a lifeless void?
What if I told you that was you. From the moment of your big Bang when two foreign universes collide and start their own fresh start. A fresh brand new universe that is you, with some things delivered in the two pods that made you, but the rest you’d learn on the fly, adding new content to your universe every single moment of your time alive in a stream to your brain like wallpaper on a dime.
Like saving all of life as you experience it to your cloud where you can look at it as stories from your future and become a personality eventually that mingles in the shared universe with your memory as your guide. The way you make a choice in life is based on who you are at the moment of now.
The universe we exist in moves forward in time at the speed of now, and every choice we make is at the edge.
We are our own universe moving forward at the exact same time, less a moment and we literally make our own story by the form in the time stream live.
The more we have in our library of analogies, similes and fails, the more educated and fast we can make the good choices.
We also share our universe through interaction. EVery connection to another universe streams shared content to both and you can pass on your wisdoms, experiences and choices to others. You live on by helping others make their choices in the moment of now.
You can help them understand how consequences effect their universe but don’t always have to effect their choices from anyone moment forward.
Sadly, you can’t really reboot your universe.
You can change it from any moment of now onward just by choosing different forms in the stream.
However, you can’t change the shared universe you have to live in, so you can only ride the wave in front of you.
What if I told you there was a new universe I did reboot. A shared universe with a different Science. A different philosophy. A new universe where I started fresh, borrowing only the things I wanted and leaving behind the things I didn’t.
What if I told you I’ve created a new Universe, and I’m inviting you at the early stages. Imagine the idea for a moment. A literal new universe to exist in. To move to and live in. A universe where capitalism wasn’t a game to win and politics still maintained trust.
A universe designed from the start to be friendly and not hostile. To help for the good rather than the gain.
A universe with a filter so the interactions are rewarding and emotionally positive whenever possible.
A universe where questions are not only embraced and encourages, but answers can be rewards le too.
NOw what if I told you that you could have a home here for free. A place to call your own and use as you see fit, mingling as you desire at any level of sharing.
WHen you move here, you may never talk to another human in the real world again.
WHat if I told you this universe exists now, and you might not miss ANYTHING from your life now because some aspects exist simulations my in both. In other words, the things you love most in the world you live in now, can also exist in my universe.
Only more, because you have a personal program directory that keeps you as active, educated, and entertained as young want to be.
My universe has a concierge.
A butler 24/7 or on demand.
You can even be one of it suites you.
My universe contributes to the arts
My universe pays$15 an hour 24/7 or on demand and has no labour laws, pedudices, discriminations or disabilities. You work when you want for as long as you want.
My universe has free paid vacations in tropical search designations, glamorous hotels, casinos or tourist traps.
My universe is for single and couples and groups and has voluntary gender.
My universe has voluntary beauty.
My universe allows you to be whatever you want to be, 24/7 or on demand. Spend 2 hours every Wednesday as a Goat or 3 hours every Monday as an office on the deathstar or one of the minions.
A universe where you can be anything in your own story, or play a role in somebody else’s for cash.
Now what if I told you, if you wanted, you could do exactly the same thing, in your own alternate universe, for free., or order a custom planet or universe from Magrathea… or hire your own citizens to build it for you.
Or ask. It’s all free.
If you join my church, you can access my universe free or buy on demand passes like DIsneyland.
Joining my church is also free for followers but donations help hire to the pool. We can supply workers 24/7 I on demand. Computer avatars making your universe exactly what you need it to be.
Think of it like an imaginary universe except the holograms are actually real people living, loving, working and even having families in your universe or mine.
Imagine not having to travel by car or bus to hang out with your friends and have a host entertaining you if needed, or guided entertainment hours to share with friends.
Imagine selling your hour if it was funny enough
You can hire yourself;for to go on virtually dates or just go on free ones and sell your half to people.
I could buy a virtual personal hand holding your of Toronto on my universe and do it in either universe, recreated without leaving home,email or buying a car, or paying for gas.
Go Ona date to the Grand Canyon.
Staffed with tourism question answerers 24/7 or on demand.
Imagine transporting with a wrist transporter to The Eiffel Tower. Dozens of people are walking around but several have an orange circle glowing on them or something orange.
If you approach them, a few seconds later, they will turn to you and say Hello. Hi, I’m ________. Welcome to Paris my friend. What can I help you with.
You answer and they answer and you are talking to somebody in Paris. THey are nice and helpful and making a dollar from the pool,behind the scenes. They may choose to allow you to be an OCF (on call friend and when you’re both available or planned, they’ll show up where every you are and hang with you, alone or with your group. You can see their profile to know what interests you share.
Bowling every Tuesday perhaps.
Or just show up at the bowling alley and make a new friend there.
every where you go, real people will be there, on call.
If Young work for the pool you can log in at any time and be on call in 100 places all over the universe in any field you feel comfortable helping a new person or a nobody if they see your orange circle and say Hi.
You can work the front desk at an airport or be sitting waiting for every plane in my universe and the first person to say Hello gets your attention.
If you sign into staff positions you get paid for staff answers and functions but in a social and friendly way, but you can also soign into crowd and still be selectivly approcable. Different colours opf orange glowing bracelets in public mean free mingle friend on demand.
 You can also work for yourself anywhere not staffed by the pool.
24/7 or on demand.
Every business must pay for one or more 15 an hour for open hours for staff hours at firest but as business picks up, you can pay for on demand pool labour tool.
The pool hires after training and selection on as as needed basis. Shifts regulated by income.
It will gorw as the universe grows. If businesses agree to pay one wage each, we can pay one human each. Each human can work ALL jobs in the pool so response time could be indiustinguishable from realkity.
Now the catch. At this time, graphics are primitive and slow and glitchy… bvut in my universe we were all born thgis way and ive there, so we don’t know any better. There is no self awareness of anything but it. It’s just how it is.
If you fall over the white border, you’re out like Wesley on the pleasure planet. Your avatar dies and you start over.
The good outweighs the bad.
Check out the Orange Universe free for a day. We’ll give you a guide to show you around as soon as you arrive.Â
You won’t believe it. You won’t want to leave. Houses start from $100 a year.
Minimum base steipen is $1 a week reguardless of attendance.
Sadly I’m not the only or first one to think of it, but since you create your own universe, the onl;y competitiuon in tyhe market makes you more successful.
If we signed up 1 million users in a weekend just by advertising, it could replace life in time, but at least MAKE THE CONTRACT NOW.
Be the one responsible for making companies second universe sales deals.
Everyone buys a home sever and makes money from everything starting at 15 an hour in the pool.
Think about it. The guy behind the counter at your head shop weed dispensary store doesn’t really care if you spend $1200 for a heat glass original pioece in this universe or that one. The second location in another univ erse just reqalized one store in the sole city in the alternate universe could staff 200 locations with 2 staff members. There is no “local” if you rent space in the shared universe and if you hire from the pool, complete stranbgers can answer you store as the place to be.
Whoops. That may have overstepped. Instant friends should be friendly people, not employyes being friendly.
I’m pretty high.
End of part 2. The video explains everything a lot better and quicker. Everything I spoke of is available now in open source and runs on a windows desktop. It also runs on a cell phone app.