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The new black

The new black

I had a bath today and I'm going out in a little while but my room and my bedding and other things there still smell so I wanted to put on fresh clothes I don't really have. But I do have a prison uniform so that's what I wore after my bath. I'm walking around the...

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Maybe it’s just Wednesday

Maybe it’s just Wednesday

There's a line in the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy which many of the fans know well and quote frequently. As often as 52 times a year I suppose. It must be a Thursday. I never could quite get the hang of Thursdays. I've said so myself on a Thursday. Realistically...

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Attention grab

Attention grab

Ever since I saw that perfect t-shirt that I now use as a logo for the orange shirt blogs, I've been adding bitmojis and other various things to the t-shirt. Since the pandemic we don't get out much we don't get to where our novelty t-shirts and accept praise from...

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Recent Me

Recent Me

This blog acts as a backup of my own memories so I occasionally update my photos of me. Since I don't leave the house much, all I do is take pictures of myself. [gallery ids='30801,30793,30741,30740,30739,30735,30734,30729' main_size='full' tile_size='full'...

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Still playing

Still playing

I'm going to try to start making videos and memes that are not related to my hard drug usage. It may not go as well as planned but it's an effort. I can't stop making them, so I might as well make them more accessible. I have to admit, it sounds right in my head, but...

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Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Magrathea Exists. Custom Built Universes For Sale

Frogstar World C (The Orange Window Universe) The First Draft of tis will be amazingly different than the one I share.  I exp[ect it will be good enough to be praised.   ALL YOU NEED TO CHANGHE YOUR UNIVERSE IS ONE FAN TO SHARE IT WITH All you need is one fan to...

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