I’ve started thinking about my day. A routine of minimal activity between naps. I wake up either slightly before 7:30am or with the alarm at 7:37am.
I prefer to wake naturally if I can because I remember my dreams better when they are not interrupted but I have normalized alarm mornings. I used to hate the alarm waking me up.
I get up and turn on the lights at 12% brightness, all white. This is an option with my smart light bulbs. I ask Google to play the radio. It’s not quite a local station but it is the same time zone so the morning show is correctly timed. I miss my Toronto BOOM station which I had grown to enjoy. Toronto has more money so the talent is a bit better.
This morning radio cast is adequate to keep my company for the short 15 minute prep before I’m dressed and out the door for the first task of the day.
I am out the door within a 5 minute range before or after 8am. There is no defined rule of the time to feed the animals but it helps me to keep that schedule. If I let it lapse a little, I might let it last a lot.
I open the door to let the farm dogs out and trigger the barking of the Havanese animals that we breed and bored.
They bark quite loudly which is one of the reasons I don’t do this earlier in the morning. Our nearest neighbor is quite far away but not outside the area that will hear the barking. In fact, she complains quite regularly.
I then walk down to the first of two chicken coops where the older chickens hang out. They don’t seem to lay eggs so there really isn’t any particular reason to keep them but we do. They are apparently pet hens. Although they are not particularly people friendly and you can’t pick them up.
I checked that they have food and water and then proceed down to the lower chicken coop which is where our new hens and rooster reside. We’ve had them about 3 weeks and received two eggs only. I’m not sure how long we’ll put up with non-laying hens but for now they are also pets I suppose. There are also six or seven ducks that do not lay eggs.
We have become a zoo for chickens and ducks apparently.
Next I’m off down the path to feed the cows. Nine cows, one steer, and one horse that belongs to someone else.
I feed them 1 and 1/2ish bales of hay in various different locations around the hay barn each morning. They are always waiting where I last fed them which makes changing it up amusing in my head. They never quite know where their next meal is coming from. Grin
They used to get four bales of hay each morning as the snow started covering their grazing fields and they had pretty much eaten all of the available grass and hay in the fall. They rely on the bales now.
Later in the afternoon I go down and refill their water and give them more hay in different places. It’s 2:30 p.m. now and I think I might head down. Again there is no specific time for the afternoon feeding. It all depends on when I wake up from my nap and when I feel like it. Today it feels like now is a good time.
Then I come back inside and go back to sleep. Dinner is optional.
I think this is very depression-based. I should enjoy doing other things. Working on my computer or at least watching more television like I used to. Hopefully that changes. I’ll work to make it change.
Or not.