Quality rant / opinions on Meth’s Reputation
A good blog video that turns into a 10 minute monologue about the reputation of meth amphetamine and how propaganda shapes opinions and possibly scares away people from trying it.

Quality rant / opinions on Meth’s Reputation

Because of the time delay that often exists between the act of getting spun, the chore of editing and uploading to this site, and the effects of the clouds themselves, it is not uncommon to miss things.

On good days I film a lot of things and almost every hit on the bong. Needless to say, most of these don’t ever get posted anywhere except sometimes in an archival format here. A lot of stuff just doesn’t justify sharing. But since I’ve started doing more personal life blogging of my life and usage, those files can easily get left behind by accident.

Today I found this post and it seems familiar. I remember it being too big for WordPress to handle but it compressed down just fine. I think maybe I remember trying to upload but failing. I wasn’t even spun. I’m glad I found it because it’s a really in depth Meth Talk about the world view on drugs and opiates and amphetamines.



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