I’m a sucker for sad stories and idiots
The two original chickens that I call the pigeon sisters are cute to watch but they are pretty dumb. They suffer from something called FOMO which the teenagers tell me is the fear of missing out. They are more interested in whatever I’m doing than the food I have put down for them seconds before… Read More »

I’m a sucker for sad stories and idiots

The two original chickens that I call the pigeon sisters are cute to watch but they are pretty dumb. They suffer from something called FOMO which the teenagers tell me is the fear of missing out. They are more interested in whatever I’m doing than the food I have put down for them seconds before

If I put food down in two different locations they will only eat the food at the newest one I’ve come to learn this and use it to my advantage because the black hen doesn’t like to eat with them anyway. She said that the nerd table, or the adventurous table.. if you look at it from a different perspective.

Just because you don’t like sitting with the close knit hen clique, doesn’t necessarily make you feel cast. When there’s only two groups, It’s impossible to tell who was avoiding who.

Female dog has an injured foot and I’m supposed to let her out to pee and then send her right back into the bed. She enjoys sitting on the bed as much as I can tell, but unfortunately it’s at the top of a very long and hard staircase so the process of coming down from it or going up to it is a memorable torture that she prefers to avoid.

It’s a sunny day, and both her and I have realized if you’re going to sit around doing practically nothing, which is the bulk of my day anyway, it’s much nicer to do so in the sunlight. So despite the rules that have been given to me, I’ve decided to let her sit out in the sunlight. Her bandage seems well packed and I don’t think there’s much of a fear of it getting infected this morning.

The concern is that she shouldn’t walk on it and so laying out here in the sun next to me is probably safer than making her go up and down the stairs a few times. Truth be told, I suspect both the dogs could go a whole day without peeing anyway.

They did on Saturday. 3:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. locked in the bedroom. Many dogs spend that amount of time in a cage depending on who their owners are and what their day jobs are.

My day job is to get them out to pee a few times a day and follow the list of rules. I follow most of them. I serve at the pleasure of the dogs and the animals as I see fit and sometimes that goes against the rules that he sees fit. Or at least the rules that he deems fit today. They may change tomorrow.


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