A lucky happinstance
Found a DLGate reseller nearby and he has all the pieces I have sitting in my cart or wishlist 2 hours earlier. I almost order items and then I find the only market with all the imports I almost bought. Many in orange. …. A lot of insanity is probably just understanding things out of… Read More »

A lucky happinstance

Found a DLGate reseller nearby and he has all the pieces I have sitting in my cart or wishlist 2 hours earlier. I almost order items and then I find the only market with all the imports I almost bought.

Many in orange.


A lot of insanity is probably just understanding things out of order as you understanding starts a chain reaction.

I remember a few drug … BLocked by a mental squirrel.

411am decision. Logic says I can get in a few more hours of thinking positive before returning to normal thoughts that contain doubt and the fear anybody could yell at me.



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