Weekend update attempt to
Point form Trying tinder again. I guess women are chooses and men click almost anyone. I really wanted to click on the super hot 25 year olds just… You know, maybe she’s fir hire. People like me probably make lots of incorrect assumptions about the 10s of the World. The gorgeous 1% I’m failing and… Read More »

Weekend update attempt to

Point form

Trying tinder again. I guess women are chooses and men click almost anyone.

I really wanted to click on the super hot 25 year olds just… You know, maybe she’s fir hire. People like me probably make lots of incorrect assumptions about the 10s of the World. The gorgeous 1%

I’m failing and should be good. Text conversation is what I’m been improving at in my trial universe.

  1. This might be my fifth day without sleep, unintentionally. I don’t remember sleeping. I was meant to sleep last night and I actually worked an all nighter on this blog design

I can’t do anything I need to, including the easy ones. Whoa. Light hallucinations in the shadows caused by me typing on my bright phone in bed, in the dark.

  1. I don’t get out of bed and my room is full of a lot of grossvdlob things. Floor food and pee in a jar are not even the wurst.

  2. I have cleared out my bank  account. I am officially needing to earn before I doend,.

5 brain devised plan in benouncedvto me. First time usage. Unbenounced ? Doubt vreepos into my thoughts and offers up a few scenarios off the top of my head.

6 actually, don’t

  1. I think I hear the voice on the other end of her phone call say; JEFF, WORK? PLEEASE

8 while high on E, I anticipated today’s meeting could have been the one I’m still holding out for.

WOW. I am Dirk gently. I noticed a quirky thing about my universe that had no explanation. Good things happen when you’re in a good mood. Bad things happen when you’re in a bad mood.

I have noticed my self moves forward in time regardless of what life throws at me. I retain few if any memories of his bad my first break down was. I do remember waiting till the day of my first for Interlog, where I had been given a number of responsibilities. I did almost nothing for weeks, and then having to call my friend to rush to my rescue and save the day.

I didn’t lose.

My current favourite saying, I attribute to the script of the movies the best marigold hotel.

It will all be fine in the end. If it is not fine, then it is not yet the end.

I’ve Ponzi schemes my personal miseries.

6 I comprehend a new reason why nothing can go faster than light.

7 my vibration theory. Elements vibrations

People walking on a street in a small town

I remember comparing that to the bits of thing that vibrate and travel though our universe. If every element vfrom the current end to the current end on a chart I learned about in school.

  1. When I am in bed with full intent to be asleep by 5pm when I returned from Oakville.

  2. Yes, I looked at all the escorts out that way. I look multiple times a day in fantasy that I’ll know when I see her. There have been only a few close years. One $140 fail, and two $700 fails in 2017. Each time, I give up forever. The terms of forever vary, much like the definition of literally.

The above refers to dry runs with escorts when I could not get hard. In case that wasn’t clear.

Ok. 1330. Let’s sleep this baby to bed.

  1. I got a call from my crazy Calgary friend. Her perfect son, was hiding some less perfect habits. I was a 430sm emergency talk down phone call.

I enjoyed . I enjoy that rolevrightbup till the analysis starts and I hate everything I said. I was high on E and other things atv5am.

Shadows are cooler than Minecraft.

  1. I’m fairly sure my brain is creating sentences from behind the mirror universe door. I hear the complaining voice, but iddly is sounds like my first girlfriends complain. I hear what I create and it’s past tense before I can interpret what I heard.

It’s my story to tell.

Blarg. I’m losing it. Need rest.

1341am Monday.

Still 3.5 months behind invoicing and have no rent money.end on bad.





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