Inspiration from routine.
In recent days I have made some inspiring quotes to other people, in messages and comments. Today, as I woke up at 6am from a kickass awesome dream ready to start my day, it suddenly occurred to me that I have inspired myself as well. Sometimes, curly sans serif text over a JPEG background with… Read More »

Inspiration from routine.

In recent days I have made some inspiring quotes to other people, in messages and comments. Today, as I woke up at 6am from a kickass awesome dream ready to start my day, it suddenly occurred to me that I have inspired myself as well.

Sometimes, curly sans serif text over a JPEG background with a single line comment makes sense. Life can’t always be dimmed up by a Facebook posting, but it doesn’t need to be. A few word of encouragement that make sense in the moment can get you through to the next moment.

Life really is all about not dying.

At this moment, I like myself more than I don’t. Ask me again in an hour.

The dream was about finding a spot on new school ground where I can have my lunch and not be bullied or yelled because I took somebody else’s spot. As it turned out, I was the highlight of the break because I kept talking and everyone found be truly interesting. I told stories and related well. I didn’t fit in, but I held the group like an honoured guest. I told my rave stories and morning radio changes. I knew some references and others were explained and compared for me.

I had a smile on for the whole time as we hated on the selections for school play, being reversed behind us on stage. I debated the need for the yearbook, even in times of online media.

I had a great time. I woke up tired and wanting to return, but I stood up, walked across the room and snorted a nice line of my morning coffee alternative wake me up. I’m back in bed now writing this.

I’m still trying to figure out an ideal morning routine and order of tasks that work best but I think the important parts are already the same. Wake up, smile, eat chocolate and be down to do the farm chores around 8am. The other parts are not as important and if I do more social media this morning and less email replies to later it’s all good as long as I start with waking up each day.

The universe takes care of the rest.


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