BC side notes
The first thing I learned was the local slang. What I call Tina, is commonly referred to as side here. It’s an interesting choice and when I inquired as to why somebody hinted that in clubs you could use hand signals for up down and side drugs. I didn’t want to argue that meth would… Read More »

BC side notes

The first thing I learned was the local slang. What I call Tina, is commonly referred to as side here. It’s an interesting choice and when I inquired as to why somebody hinted that in clubs you could use hand signals for up down and side drugs. I didn’t want to argue that meth would make a better up than Coke but there you have it.

Since then I have found several ways to work side into conversations like my side chick Tina and others.

So last week I lived from Sunday to Sunday high on side. Higher than I realized I think. From what I can tell, it’s good stuff. Better than I’m used to which resulted in a more noticeable withdrawal. I slept all day yesterday. Today I hit a little that was remaining from the dirty pipe and felt quite buzzed.

Not in a productive way which is kind of what I need. I’m not really sure the mood I’m in. Is definitely elevated and I no longer feel like sleeping but I don’t really feel like working either and I’m not really in the mood for TV. So of course what did I do? I did more. And it didn’t change

I’m still in the high but blah mood. Holding back the depressive thoughts of my new life which I suppose is good enough for now I’d rather be in a buzzed mood than a depressed mood. Maybe I’ll get around to work shortly.


Tags: BC | slang | west coast


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