Somebody told me is a secret honour
If you honour the joy of giving, then being the somebody that told a lot of people a lot of stuff, in general wisdoms to answering questions, teaching, mansplaning or technical support. I have seeen so many smiles at the moment of realization and joy as people learn something new, and intersting and bonus, maybe useful. I will… Read More »

Somebody told me is a secret honour

If you honour the joy of giving, then being the somebody that told a lot of people a lot of stuff, in general wisdoms to answering questions, teaching, mansplaning or technical support. I have seeen so many smiles at the moment of realization and joy as people learn something new, and intersting and bonus, maybe useful.

I will not deny that I like to be present for the actual praise, but I still know I’ve made a small difference in things that they may not have learned otherwise.

The difference between easy, and easy to learn.  In the other direction, I am sometimes sad I didn’t get to thumbs up like some people who annonymously first told me elephants are the only animal with only four knees. It’s my go to random fact, which gets quite a bit of use. It’s good to have go to stories ready for some of lifes enevitable conversations. Just like you could always expect the epppisodes on tv where the teenager would go through script A

I like a universe with rtewards and it’s pretty easy to learn… as apposed to eaaaasy.

One of the coolest concepts I missed, not being a parent was the look on the face for all the firsts. The realization lightbulb… or marquye. ding

trigger. that was one thing I said to my lunch companion. The responce was that which you might se when the other person doesn’t reallyt have enough info to understyad what the fuck youre talking about, but really is scared to ask for ckarity, so they deflect. I am invisble in the room.

Momma always said, if you don’t have anythinmg nice to say, don’t say a thing.

but that can be so mean. Silence is sharp into your brain perhaps even more than sarcasm. Sarcasm may hurt, but it waqs effort. #punchlineworthy isn’t so bad if you can do it sincerly. Sarcasm can help showcase a point, but reactions to it tell a fuller story.

I was off camera in an American chat room where an exchange began between bigots. Often the case, somebody like me, but with a different level of awareness to his audience, or a total lack of caring what others thought.

The second level of bigot. Proud enough to live it in public. Third level is defend it,

fourt is continue defending it after it’s clear to you that you can’t win.

fifth, bananas in your ears.


i wish whatever tv show the old guy pstairs watched at nigt didn’t sound so much like my landlord.

2:15am… first shut dwn attemp.

end of this part.



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