The virtual life future.
One of my unfinished projects was to write a fiction. A short story or a novel if I felt up to it. In my mind it made a good TV series and I could be a millionaire if I only told someone about it. I have two chapters and I might be inspired to write… Read More »

The virtual life future.

One of my unfinished projects was to write a fiction. A short story or a novel if I felt up to it. In my mind it made a good TV series and I could be a millionaire if I only told someone about it.

I have two chapters and I might be inspired to write more now and then but the topic of this blog isn’t that. It’s about second life. I think it’s getting a raw deal because no one seems to be mentioning it and in truth it is an amazing accomplishment.

It is the future and the people who don’t understand that today will be the grumpy old man that don’t like change in the future. There is absolutely no reason to dismiss the power and convenience and life-changing capabilities of living in a virtual world.

There are people out there making millions of dollars playing video games spending most of their free time on their computer practicing in much the same way a runner might.

The problem arises when people just assume that it is a game and dismissed the fact that in fact it is a artificial universe created by the members. It exists. Now. It has more capabilities than the movie free guy or ready player one.

It’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t quite get it how amazing it is to be able to participate in social interaction and activities and events without leaving your house.

This goes beyond the possible mental issues that game addiction may bring to some people, but they’re really are a lot of people out there that don’t interact very well socially and it has nothing to do with their mental state they may be in a wheelchair paralyzed they may be blind they may be deaf now I have to stress that all of those people are very happy and interacting. I’m dug a hole

My point was through our many reasons why people might like to exist in an artificial universe and if it is sustainable it is better than life for many people. I have met people who live in the country and have two cars on a boat and work on the volunteer fire department actively participate in town council and regularly attend festivals and dances in the community. It was very appealing. It was in the artificial universe.

I had a housewife for a few months in that world. A beautiful middle class home which we jointly decorated. And every day we hung out after work other tasks. Participated in good sex. We dated and traveled to exotic lands like the pyramids and the Grand Canyon and Disney world.

For some reason long distance relationships are perfectly acceptable as a social function This really is just long distance relationships except that the people you interact with can be anything there is no limit to becoming equal regardless of who you are behind the keyboard. Of course if you’re a douchebag asshole that probably comes through in both universes.

I just remembered a fun activity I went with my house wife We went furniture shopping in a huge mall that had beds and hot tubs and essentially the same you might see in a gigantic Leon’s I wanted a hot tub that day.

In that universe, I am an avatar but I’m still me.

I feel like people are going to choose the new metaverse and not realize how much better Second Life can be. I’m happy there.


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