NOW. Tame it or Ride it.
A wave is a good metaphor,because most of us have seen one, een if not in pertson, and it has many  atributesd we can take apart and use as different persetives to thge anaology. Waves are a thing in nature that hapens whether we believe in it, watch it, or ignore it. They have a… Read More »

NOW. Tame it or Ride it.

A wave is a good metaphor,because most of us have seen one, een if not in pertson, and it has many  atributesd we can take apart and use as different persetives to thge anaology.

Waves are a thing in nature that hapens whether we believe in it, watch it, or ignore it. They have a significance to our worlde that we are greateful for, but don’t fully understand. Water itslf is so magically perfect for life on eartyhe that it alone ofers enough convenience to open up a crack about faith and design.

If we understand our current theoiruy is that everything in nour universe came from a very long time of cycling rebirth with cjhange. We accept the suspension of disbelief that it is teh way the univ erse works that parents with a benificial attriubute towards either eating, matimng or hiding from attack will breed and the advantages become a part oif the norm.

Humans have been doing it with dogs and cats for centuries, but we are to believe in nature, time was the factor that allowed there be a moth that has wings that look like a difeernt moth and a snake head.

Nature is filled withg examples that border on hard ro believe it’s a flue science.

Recntly, my writings have lead me down this new theme of the month… that all of our universe shares the sme now, and everytthing that ever has happend or will happen does so at the same momenbt along a universe wide transition nbetween the void, anbd the past.

The universe exists in teh NOW but everythingelse resides somewhere in the memjory an interpretation of it.

We’re all recoivering from what just happoened.

The momen t of understnding in this concept may have lasting shockwave afterthoughts for a while. Nothing happens after the now… it’s a moving target.  Although time is a fluid that has to conform to some universal laws, the momentg you realize that you are a passenger on the wave, and you don’t have to be as random.


Evenb as a wave, people learned to make a better surfboard over trhe centuries and surfers today have a selectable range of control. A surfer can stay on a wave longer than ever before, and inn fact we have figured out a wave to make a surfing wave in the middle of an amusement park or ricj kid barmitsfa partyu.

You are equallty free to ignore it. I am conteent to react to whatever just happend the momnent somebdy relates it to me.  I don’t live near the water. I may not read abut what the wwave did for days. I will react to it’s effects the moment I ned to.

I don’t



keyboard bum,p. Lost place and the spark.  I nleave this half used wich of an idea alone.

TYhe wave stopped for now.




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