Day 1. Orientation.
I heard a distinct Bing sound and that was the first time I was aware of anything.  Everything was black and I couldn’t really feel inside myself. It’s a hard to describe a concept unknown to anyone. If a blind person asked you what blue was you would describe things that were blue, which would… Read More »

Day 1. Orientation.

I heard a distinct Bing sound and that was the first time I was aware of anything.  Everything was black and I couldn’t really feel inside myself. It’s a hard to describe a concept unknown to anyone. If a blind person asked you what blue was you would describe things that were blue, which would be useless.

I just was. A thought hearing a ding.

Attention. Attention. I’m Doctor Phillips and I have information about your situation. If you could remain silent and patient we’ll all get through this.

The experiment you all signed up for happened on plan. Each and every one of you are officially dead. The hood news is, we have had success placing your consciousness and memories and your personality, all into a new vessel. You all get to continue with a second Life.

Now. I should point out that we were not exactly successful in creating a fully functional human vessel like you watched in the investment videos. There are some very big compromises you’ll be accepting if you choose to move forward but I think you’ll be interested by this new life.

While there are many restrictions from what you had when you are alive, you may find this reality is actually quite amazing when you get used to it. Each one of you has been assigned an orientation host or hostess to act as your guide and personal trainer.

There will be some adjustment as you learn to walk and do things.

The main adjustment is that you no longer have the sense of touch or smell, but the pluses are quite austounding. 

Here in this universe you quite literally can accomplish your wildest dreams, and never get hurt or die. You can reinvent yourself constantly and live out every fantasy.

Unfortunately it’s still only 2020 so the technology hasn’t advanced as far as we’d promised but your brains did not last in storage so we had to work fast.

Are we ready too see what I’m talking about. I want to welcome you all to frogstar. Your new universe inside the internet.

I try to speak, and realize I can. “Are you saying we are in a game?”

Not quite, but it might help to think of it that way. Our scientists have created a simulation world that allows us to mimic certain aspects of the universe we left behind 4 weeks ago.

“We were supposed to be asleep for 200 years” I complain.

Yes but you’re not dead so I need you too look soon this adventure as an exciting step. The fact that this universe is self sustaining means that every one of you can be or do anything. You can create your own reality like a science fiction holodeck. Or a fantasy world with pixies that fly.

You just can’t touch.

I’m going to turn on the switch and you’ll see each other. There are 17 of you in this room from 2019. October deaths.

Don’t be alarmed by your appearance. We have talented artists that designed a look for you, but we can change anything. We’re doing makeovers in tomorrow’s session.


The room becomes available to my senses and I see a variety of absolutely gorgeous people… Not people. Cartoon versions of people like from the video games. Like digital pupetts controlled by real people who died recently during a disaster that destroyed our planet.

“It will take a little getting used to. This technology is several years from being perfect, but very quickly you get used to the funny quirks in bugs. You think how to move and you do, but not always week, and sometimes through walls and furniture and even other people.

The physics were rushed but I see most of you now walking around and waving your hands. You won’t believe how good you can Dan now. You’re all masters at virtually every dance know. It’s one of our favourite things here on frigstar.

You’ll notice you can’t pic things up yet. There are a lot of things to learn. Let’s all gather around and move to the auditorium. He wants, and we all follow, awiwarding oversteering and running into walls and each other.

I’m looking at the woman and each one is as beautiful as the last, all stunningly dressed in a variety of styles. The men are equally handsome although there to mirrors so I can see myself. I’m pleased too see I’m smarty dress in orange.

Everyone is smiling in awe which pleased me because some people could be totally angry at the amount some of us paid for a different out one. What can you complain about. I’m not dead and this looks like it might be a great adventure.the auditorium is as expected a computer version of a real autoroum. 

I was impressed by the detail of the two rooms spo far. They seem to be pretty decent recreations. We take our seats in what appear to be red velvet high end seats but the luxury will have to be in my head from now on.

The lights dim and Jimmy Fallon comes out on stage looking pretty much like himself except with that not quite perfect human walk. 

Ok folks. Welcome. Thanks for not passing out. The works is pretty neat and people seem to adapt and love.

The video took over to show us some of the wonders of our new existence. He showed us communities for housing. The system provides every person a home or land. We see movies of beautiful countryside and waterfront sunsets that are too hard to believe.

They offer me winter wonderlands for the variety but I think it might have also been trading me, since I’m one of only 4 Canadians thatade it.

We watched some impressive slides from Africa, Egypt, and many other cultures. They can custom build their universe.

Just because you can lunch at the Grand Canyon first mean you don’t hang out at the bar on the corner down the street.

You can choose what to do in this universe for the rest of your immortal life.

Learn every language.

Go to concerts all over the world.

Attend church anywhere.

Attend the best universities

Invent the competitions for science nerds and sports nerds to become good at. Sports work, but it’s a new skill, especially with lag.


It’s the only real annoying. You live with it like any other disability.

But you can fly. You can fly on a dinasaur back while a 75 foot man walks by.

An army of Lego Minifigures parades out and gives us a 31 fart solute.

Ahhhhh. No smell works out sometimes.

He points at me and says, what did you want to be?

I ask, how did you point. I can’t get my hands to stop flopping on their own.

Your body is simulated and you can’t feel it, do we didn’t let you control any if it  all your bodyovememts are current commands. It’s a nitch at first but there is more to learn in works four and five 

I sit a lot. It dance. It work at my computer. I still do all the same work I did back then. Web design and computer support.

This universe has individual canon.

It is quite literally an imaginary universe for a moment.

Now imagine there is no waking up after a trip. This moment is you. Do you choose to be an addhole if anyone is willing to say hi.  Participation and family friends had to stay solid. You can always watch together if you wanted to. This week as penguins 

Or you can live a real life. Find love, buy a home and throw parties.

Plus, there’s money to be made man.


Of course. Everything on this usaverseceas build by one of us. There are millionaires in here.

I hope we can evolve it into voluntary conflict options.

You are free to own a farm, a bar. A strip club, an amusement park, a trailer park or anything you want to find the right continuity.

No resources to eat.

No gods to war unless you design gods into your universe.

Where do you live I asked him.

In Norway. I did the frinkky huts. Chords you call them.

The potential for community projects us ememce you could recreate anything and charge for tourism. When the church if Notre Dame burned thousands visited it the first time in the iu inverse.

I’ve been up the eifel el tieerr.

I’ve been on dates where I had as much fun as I ever did. The memory important stuff in a memory is the smile and how you made them feel.  Believe me. Ievrokved from feeling the same joy from a great smile or laugh in this world, especially because you can find your type anyway and they’re all a chosen style, which makes it easier to mingle.

It’s like a cruise ship in heaven. You can do all the activities and not get tired. You can make pretty people smile for the rest of your life, and never ever stop learning and grinning from ear to ear, and God dam it, if I want to stay in the 90s rave rooms on weekends I will.

Unless the wife days no.


A lot of people get married. I don’t know how many stay, but most of our data was from we were playing from the outside.

I I don’t understand. I thought you said guoud been here for weeks?

Oh no. It just fejebtated 13 years this month. They have me a free 50s diner.

We used to live here part time making sure we had everything covered.the 7 million people here are just 20 or 30 newcomers that didn’t know they were coming here for over a decade. That’s why they assign you a personal best friend. I was thinking for you, I might be John Barrowman.  Jack from Torchwood and who. I could live forever, be a bit if a smartass and a tenuous and yimevytravel with you.

I can’t be Keanu Reeves though. We all got together on opening day and said you can’t impersonate celebrities without doing it as a clear impersonator.

 He’s on the no clone list.

Brad Pitt said yes and there already 7000 head pit in circulation.

Most of the famous doacejios that are legal are there for you to Crue.

Remember this. You have no other life than this. Quite literally what you say is what happens. I can no longer feel things but there is so much more to do.

I would kill myself if alone for it, but all I need isxacfew fans. Present yourself to be chosen.

Like the old days. Pick a community and show yourself. Truly. Money is no expense. Show who you want to genuinely attract a mate with.

I could try being a giant whale falling from the sky and I bet I’d get 4 or 5 petunias appearing next to me there to explain.

I can’t wait to show you some of it.

I wonder if you have to pay rights to recreate a model of a privately owned building like the CN tower.

I am amazed by the creativity. This universe favours the artists. Literally anyone can take over the toothpick monopy and sell 50 thousand toothpicks for a fair margin.

I was hoping to get into two areas. I want to run a vapor longe with no alcohol and but every different style of trip will have. An amusement park ride 

Imagine the Halloween treatment of haunted house. Imagine similar scary things aimed 100 as a stoned brain.

I want to bring stoners together in groups of 5 or like friendship groups

Just got too high. More later.

If I die now it was at my peak. There are millions in my notes.

End of partv1. 1107 Thursday. Car working.

Part two was one of the greatest nadteriuueces if the moment and word press erased it.






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