I can't seem to find a perfect on screen keyboard for my phone. Many come close, but they still irritate me at times. I used to use SwiftKey, which was a paid app. This past year I've been using Gboard which is Google's own keyboard app. I occasionally get mad at its auto correct and move on to...
This one is hard to read. Literally. Tonight i was beeping a lot. My room mate situation is still a story to be told, but its about to be upstaged. I am afraid of the rage of a oroud, stubborn i told you so and i trusted you and you fucked mevyetvagain. I made my story solash bad repercusions on...
I think I hear the sounds of radio talk at my window, which means there is probably an ambulance in my driveway for the second time in as many d... No. I hate the phrase. Let me look. Ding keyboard irritation notice. Paragraph cursers are invisible below the...