The Vent Bin
There is a certain freedom from having a blog you didn’t tell anybody about. A place that gets no visitors and contains so many thousands of posts that I have a confidence nobody I know will ever see this. I can vent freely and mention specifics of my work life without fearing they’ll find out.… Read More »

The Vent Bin

There is a certain freedom from having a blog you didn’t tell anybody about. A place that gets no visitors and contains so many thousands of posts that I have a confidence nobody I know will ever see this. I can vent freely and mention specifics of my work life without fearing they’ll find out. It’s a general rule you don’t talk about customers to other customers because, just like best friend circles, once people know you’re a gossip, they assume you’re sharing their secrets too.

I used to do that on occasion. Share stories that were #shareworthy to other customers. I still do now and then. The story of how loose and easy to get passwords cost one of my customers a brand new $65,00 car. They literally gave it away to an imposter that was using their own email password to change replies.

This week my story is of a customer who is friendly and polite in person, but a bit more aggressive in text messages sent after hours from home when we’re not face to face. To his credit, he’s a nice guy and was the contact that invited me to quote on a sweet contract that makes up about 50% of my salary. His problem, caused by me is real. I never denied that. This job has helped me grow personally more than anything else in the last decade. I’ve spoken to my therapist about it, and I’m very prideful on how I’ve changed in the way I manage this stress.

Report: In my haste to make you happy, and myself less stressed, I may have made it worse rather than better in the short term, My attempts to use tools to sync your two accounts without disturbing you Mac and work, combined with the ways Mac Mail works with IMAP and G Suite have caused you much grief. Today I announce I need to be in your way. I can’t do this without being in your way. I need to use your Mac to make these folders sync correctly, and I need to do it for a long time. Perhaps most of a day. We have not lost any mail. I’m just having a very difficult time using MAC MAIL and G Suite to match each other when such quantities are in play. MY attempts to do it various ways to lessen your inconvenience have caused you to be more angry than satisfied so they’ve backfired spectacularly. Today, in a similar attempt to appease your pain, I have misjudged incorrectly again. I ask a personal favour that you understand that I understand how important this is, and pause your need to tell me that for a short while. There is no greater loss for a tech support worker than letting somebody down by losing data. I know that pain from experience. This repair to our trust and your mail will eventually return. I’m good, but I can’t always work miracles quickly. I will update you on my needs shortly. For today, perhaps you could use Gmail to work. I’ll need your Mac on for some of it, but I’ll need to be in your way to repair things and get them in sync. I respect you, and the work you need to do. I’ve been doing my best to fix this, and my best is pretty darn good but the number of obstacles to do it conveniently hasn’t been working so far.

I have found several tools which may aid me in this quest today.




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