Our world is a hard thing to survive and it’s easy to forget that a lot of people do not experience much of it the way we do. The social media is excellent at educating us all about social anxiety, the autism spectrum and new gender acceptance. We are all just trying to navigate through it all to find friends or lovers we can tolerate spending time with.
It’s hard for many people, myself included. Luckily there is help. Talking to people gets easier with practice.
I’m here to tell you about an amazing discovery you probably are not aware of. The Practice Universe. It’s real.
What is the practice universe? A complex computer simulation where you can create scenarios to test life.
Having trouble talking to attractive people? There are literally thousands of people just like you living out a simulated life inside a giant computer simulation. Real people acting out from behind gorgeous avatars anywhere in the world.
There are social groups, entertainment and dancing venues, sporting events classes and lecture tours. Live music. All of the situations you want to be able to do in real life, but because of some mental or physical limitation, you need practice.
I spend a part of each day in that universe. That version of Orange Jeff has lots of friends and lovers.