Orange Shirt Blogs
That one dream I dislike
This blog entry takes a turn and becomes two separate posts in one. A dream universe revelation that inspired a whole new concept that could change my life again, but probably won't.

That one dream I dislike

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I blog about my dreams now and then and am frequently fascinated by the detail many of them contain. I’m well aware that the blogs never really convey the stories well, but it’s still fun to write about them quickly as I wake up and still feel the joy, even if this isn’t a great way to express that joy.

There is one style of dreams that has become more com.on since moving g to the farm And changing up my whole life routine.

I never used to dream in a world with cell phones that had glass displays like everyone has today. Usually if I even hD a cell phone,it was one of my older pre-internet models and more often than not, I could not get it to work. It’s batter was dead, or I kept getting wrong numbers. Cell phones were always an o jevt of frustration in my dreams. It was like I was always dreaming in the 1990s.

These days, I dream with my current phone. Not only that, but I have been dreaming mirrored versions of my waking life with errie realism. I dream of waking up in this bed and scrolling my internet on this phone. I dream pretty much the same morning routine I live.

I check my mail and reply to comments, o ly to wake up and realize I have to wake up, check my email, and reply to comments.

This has happened so frequently that I often realize in my dreams, that I am unsure if this time is real, or a dream. So far I’ve never suspected my reality might be a dream, but in my dream I suspect it might not be real, if that makes sense.

I hate it when I realize I’m in a dream, but can’t wake myself up because then I feel like an idiot with nothing to do, because I know it’s not real.

It’s one of the strongest feelings ever. A dream limbo. The first time it was funny. Now when it happens, it’s just annoying.

An idea just hit me while writing this. My blog is still fairly secret and every once in a while I write an entry that doesn’t contain drug use and I feel this one could be shared more publicly. I miss the days of pride in my work because I don’t share this blog with anyone and Facebook no longer really supports blog like posts as it once did. People aren’t really reading things much on Facebook or really on social medium much anymore. It’s all about videos and short TikTok clips. 

One of the things that comes in my feed quite regularly on social media are stand-up comedians telling a joke or a short routine and almost everyone that is posted that I see is enjoyable hun brings a smile to my face. 

Recently one comedian in a rant that seemed almost angry was talking about another comedian that was faking their act and performing in front of a fake background and the laugh track instead of an audience. He was pondering whether or not he should out this comedian or what other options there were. 

I read some of the comments and they went both directions and I felt obligated to add my two cents because it’s soured my enjoyment of some of the other routines because every time I saw a comedian standing in front of a brick wall telling a joke I know wondered whether it was real or fabricated in their living room. 

I now watch every one of these comedian shorts with skepticism and that’s not fair to them or to me. They’re still funny and they’re still enjoyable and really it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s fake or real. It’s a piece of entertainment generated to make me smile and it succeeds so I stopped worrying whether it was this comedian or that comedian that was faking. I was a little bit angry at the original post that made me wonder. 

But just now as I was writing this blog and thinking it was an interesting story, that I thought to myself you know self, there’s no reason why I couldn’t pose this into a comedian-like story and tell it against a fake brick background. It could be a TikTok video instead of the unseen blog and I might get likes and hearts which I so desperately seek. 

Of course the negative side of my brain immediately piped up with its opinion and said there’s no way I could do that because I’m too self-conscious and I just wouldn’t do a good job so put that idea out of your mind. 

That negative side of me is generally what wins and controls my life in such a way that I end up not doing things. But this one intrigued me and I realized that I could perhaps do this using one of my cartoon characters telling stand up. 

It would obviously not be real but in a sense it would be a new form of telling a story and it might catch on. This blog has almost 3,000 posts in it and 12 of them have been read by people. From here forward I could tell the best ones on a fake stand-up comedian stage and have them seen by at least 12 if not more.

I mean I’ve got almost 10,000 views of videos I’ve made were all I do is count 14 cows. When you think about it, that’s an impressive number for such an incredibly dull subject. If I made videos with enjoyable content I’m sure that number would be better. 

I’ll have to do some serious debating with the negative side of my brain that will try to stop me at every turn but at this moment at 7:30 a.m. while I still lay in bed, I think it’s a great idea. 

Let’s see if I still think it’s a great idea at 9:00 a.m. after I’ve counted cows once again. 



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