And now for some advice for those people who send messages to strangers online and just say hey or Hello.
Don’t send one word messages to strangers hoping to find a new friend or chat partner.
One word Messages from strangers will always be suspect
When a Stranger sends me a one word message with no context at all, I will make assumptions that may or may not be true or fair.
I’m tired of giving the benefit of the doubt to every one because of the overwhelming mathematical probability that it’s not real. It is a waste of time going through the routine being polite just waiting for their true motive to be revealed. A link to some website or a pitch for something.
Your one word blind greeting isn’t worthy of a reply. The chances of anything good coming from our continued interaction are so low, I usually just delete such unsolicited messages.
May I suggest a change to your approach that won’t make every guy assume you’re not sincere.
Instead of that unhelpful one word message, try showing us a little of your personality and
what inspired you to choose me?
A full sentence or two goes a long way in allowing us to believe that you might be worthy of the
The hope you might not send me a link to your product or fansite right away.
You might be worth finding out and replying.
You might beat the odds and not turn out to be an AI bot.
Of course, if you have nothing of value to.offer in the way of conversation, then it doesn’t even matter if you’re real,
I’m not sure what you expected to come of it when you send a single word.