There is an episode in Star Trek The Next generation where the inhabitants of a planet mistakenly believe that Captain Picard is a god. Now that I think of it there are probably several episodes of Star Trek The Next generation where this happens and most likely a one or two in the original series...
Star Trek
The fables of Chakotay
I wanted to tell tonight's entries along with the fables of Chakotay. I start by .. Wow. Brain working very hard to type now. To think. Distractions almost got bizaare. I want to But almost from the ... No. Too tired. May return. Or not. CHAKOTAY: There's a story I heard as a child,...

I’m on the roof.
I love that title because it relates to two totally unrelated, yet both can be used to help describe my problem. I'm going to say right here if you are spiralling out of control downward...

Happy Thursday
There are several directions this story could go from that heading. I intended it, as I used it several times today, Thursday, November 23rd. In Canada, a Thursday. Well, I suppose it is a Thursday everywhere, or was... but in the United States [sic] it is...

Convention Observations
I sit on a bench, watching people at a fan run authors convention in Toronto. I see people walk around aimlessly, which makes me understand, and happy to realize it's not just me. Doing things alone sucks, because memories don't get stored as well as stories. One...