relection on a Saturday night from a Dunday morning perspective.
Desire vs Fear. I accept that I let fear win
General Blog Messages, Personal Journey, The Struggle | blocked, deep, first impressions, pride, reflection, self esteem
A deep self refection morning rant about my life. The third blog post in a row after a good sleep. Feeling rather meh. Sad without the need for a solution today
I love remembering wild dreams.
Daily Drug Journal | daily, morning, reflection
Thoughts about my dream and my morning wake up. Actually thoughts about my dream that was about my morning wake up.
For no reason I’ll admit to
Drug Posts | blog, coasting, life, reflection
It's Saturday at 4,:30am. I woke up slightly off my regular schedule and broke a streak of consistency. I'd had several weird dreams related to non existent web design projects that seemed complex and broken, so I almost call them nightmares. I had a bit of a hunger...
Year One vs Now.
Drug Posts | addiction, change, meth, reflection
I want to get this task done. I'll have the leave the house, takes buses, talk to people etc. I pull up the pipe, take a hit, put on some music and leave the house. That was what I liked about this drug. Energy, Focus, confidence and the ability to start and finish a...
The mirrorthat didn’t know it was a reflection
General Blog Messages | reflection
Some timesliterature and fiction usesan aceoted scenario, and retels it in the contextof new characters. Many times in thewritings Ienjoy, a character has cometo face a situation wnherei freidnms and allies have to chose between twoversions of a person. Theyhave to...