Another day, another morning hit. Like the Jewish story of making 1 days worth of oil to last 8 days. Happy Hanukkah.
last day
It’s about time to say it’s about time
A rerun of the kind of blog I post every time I’m on my last days of my drug supply.

Always a surprise treat
It never ceases to amaze me how many hits are possible days after I have declared I'm out. Little brown spots on the sides of the glass pipes melt into a vapour that exhales in a satisfying cloud. I never expect to be as much as I do days, and sometimes weeks after...

I’ve been a bad boy
I did a thing. And by thing, I mean nothing. I had an unexpected and unplanned fast and sleep day. I took a Saturday off and made no contact. I slept. It's Sunday morning now and I should make an appearance and do my morning chores but I'm afraid. I don't know what I...

Tuesday Weather. 🌞 And ☁️
This post marks the very first time I have ever used emojis in the title and I have no idea whether they will translate to the browser or Apple computers or anything really. When I typed in sun and cloud these replacements were offered as options and I decided to...

End of the month. End of the stash.
I certainly should have expected I'd use up my stuff quicker than expected but it seems fitting I will be out on the last day of January. I have no regrets for my usage going up. Despite being a little suspect in the purity department, I really enjoyed this binge. ...

May I have an extension please?
In school, I was the kid always needing an extension to any deadline. I didn't start to work on things until they were due. I am aware I often never completed the projects withat all. Incomplete was a common word on my report cards. I did well in class and often I...

I can’t sleep forever.
I have work to do. I smoked a bit of meth. I did my work. That's the story. I have enough pipe residue to repeat this a few more days as needed. I have no idea whether pipe white is as strong as a shard, but today it has been enough to get me up and working. I should...

Celebrating the end of that time when I bought a lot and it lasted till today.
I don't actually want to look up when I bought. I would have find out I used an entire ounce in just one month I think I would be surprised and a little upset with...