Playing with new new DIVI image manipulation editor. It’s quite good and built in.
Obscure WordPress or DIVI Plugins I like
Tech Tips, Work Related Posts | DIVI, web design
I have a saying I like to use often in life. Life has so many things that you may never know about unless somebody tells you about them, and I enjoy being that guy. I want to do this more, but it has a bit of a mental block in my head because so many content providers have started posting TikTok...
Here’s my business idea of the moment.
Dream Universe, Orange Jeff Show, Personal Journey | DIVI,, Live Brain Transcript, work
I traced mans fascination with technology and gadgets back to the invention of the cord. Even more than the plug or even the invention which some nerds might enjoy retelling. One unexpected side effect of our current generation correction is that people suddenly...
I am liking this blog theme. DIVI one better.
Commentary & Opinion | DIVI, vanilla
I think I figured out a major problem with a cool solution. My blogs shold be read in order idealy, but really in order per day. It's not multiple blogs on a Sunday. It's one... so far, one writen back to back without the osture break. I ignored it, and it went away....