I had an extremely vivid dream of getting up and putting fire logs into the fire burning furnace. This didn’t happen in reality of course so the fire was out when I woke up and I’m notoriously bad at starting fires because the first time I’ve done it was yesterday.
I’m sleeping with the door open and the cats spent a portion of the evening with me and always make their arrival be known by jumping on the bed or by sleeping on the bed and so when I turn over I disturb them. I don’t think I wake up more than I normally do anyway and it’s nice to let the cats be cats.
This weekend I seem to be responsible for all the animals due to an injury and a meat delivery taking the responsibility off the two that normally do it. That means I have to feed the dogs and clean the poop in addition to my normal cow and chicken duties. It’s a lot of dogs and a lot of barking and a lot of poop.
The clocks went back so I ended up matching yesterday’s timing and doing it what appeared to be an hour earlier having completed all the morning drawers by quarter after 8:00 instead of nine. Not sure what I’ll do tomorrow. Animals seem to be particular about what time they like to eat And if I think they’re loud normally, you better believe they’ll be much louder if I’m feeding them an hour later than they are used to.
Maybe it’s a good thing since I’ve been sleeping a little later each day anyway so resetting my own clock back an hour probably isn’t a bad thing.
If I’m lucky my sister will return from the coast tomorrow and take at least some of the tasks off my plate although I’m sure she would love me to become accustomed to taking care of the entire farm so that the two of them could actually vacation at the same time for once.
It’s not that all the animal tasks are hard it’s just that there are a lot of them and most of them involve picking up shit. It cuts into my schedule of doing almost nothing during the day which is an unfair statement because I’m actually keeping myself quite busy being creative these days. I think that the change is probably good for me but it’s still the kind of thing one likes to complain about. Picking up shit. A lot of shit.
An unbelievable lot of shit went your sister and her husband are breeders of tiny havanese dogs and we’re currently in an abundance of new puppies that are untrained.
They are barking shit machines.
Every time I sit back with the intent to do something like I would do on a normal Sunday I realize I missed one area or the fires out or it’s time to check on their waters or some other task on the long list of things they do everyday. It’s more than I realized until I was the one doing it. It is literally a full-time job if you want to keep ahead of the shit. Personally I would let it go every two days or maybe even every three but that’s not the rule and I follow the rule. It’s only 8:30 and I’m thinking about all the shit I have to clean up today. I think I’ll lay down for a little bit anyway.
They probably need more water by now.
How long does a separated shoulder take to heal?