Orange Shirt Blogs
So much distraction completed
I want to start with WOW but it’s not a very good literary way to begin a post. Still, when I explain some of the things I have accomplished overnight, WOW seems the best way. Starting last night, I began

So much distraction completed

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I want to start with WOW but it’s not a very good literary way to begin a post. Still, when I explain some of the things I have accomplished overnight, WOW seems the best way. Starting last night, I began working on issues I’ve been troubled by, but have been ignoring for weeks. Months in fact.

The menu system on my blog and some fine tuning to make the thing mobile compatible. I did it. A lot of fiddling, but I was motivated and the ADHD community on TikTok keep spouting how our superpower is hyperfocus as long as it’s interesting.

It just took me a few nudges to remind myself that I really do enjoy troubleshooting website design and problem solving. The amphetamine certainly helped maintain focus and alertness all night. I had two things to accomplish so I was able to work in bursts and switch between the blog format on mobile and the new menu system.

I spent $29us on an expanding vertical menu a little to quickly I think. It worked out OK to solve the issue but I didn’t shop around enough first and I could have found something better suited, perhaps even for free, but the impulse buy solved the problem quickly and shopping for alternatives would probably have taken me down a whole new rabbit hole.

This morning after a number of final false-ends I saved it, backed it up and moved on to another task id neglected since moving here last July. I got the web-based lava lamp button to work again just now.

That was quite a challenge with multiple obstacles in my path. I consulted with two chatGPT bots to help me figure out a better way to make it work since I had lost all the video I used in Niagara.

First I had to navigate around IFTTT because the brands that I used previously were no longer supported. It worked out for the better and I am using Samsung’s SmartThings which is even supported on my desktop with buttons.

Initially chat GPT and I worked on all sorts of elaborate programs with PHP and Ajax and JavaScript and I had to load plugins to support this and that and I never got it to work so I gave up and I took a break, had some waffles and tried a secondary chat GPT4 that was specializing in WordPress. Again it was extra complex and didn’t help so I learned that the Samsung SmartThings had an API to control webhooks directly and the chat GPT and I tried to figure that out but again it was rather complex and I gave up.

After a few squares of chocolate I thought to myself I’m going to do it the old way. The way I did it before wasn’t pretty but it worked and when I thought about it, it was actually really simple. I set up my IFTTT, created a button and an iframe and turned on my lights from WordPress. I cheered.

I used to chat GPT to assist me in making two buttons with JavaScript and I might even add a 10-second countdown and some coding to stop the button from being able to be pressed over and over. Later I’ll code in a routine that turns the light off 15 minutes after it’s been turned on. I forget how I did that before but I think these days I can use the routines built into smart things.

I feel quite happy about my successes this morning. Those are three things I really have wanted to do for some time and I’m having a good time working on my website blog. I’m close to actually sharing it with people and not worrying so much about my drug use. To be fair I hardly use any drugs anymore except the one and it’s just a mindset people have to get over and accept the medicinal purpose for the ADHD brain.

A tough hurdle that some will never get over I suspect but I have to make the decision not to let that bother me. I want to share myself and my writing and my journey.

It’s 6:45 now and I’m taking a bit of a break. I’m going to make a lunch and then come back and try my darndest to get motivated to do the customer work instead of more web work.

All of this is a learning experience and everything that I’m doing will assist me in making the club frog star site which I remain excited about as long as I don’t think about how likely it is to fail.

More realistically, it’s not really going to fail on its merits but rather on the fact that I’m not the man to make it a success in marketing and promotion. It’s a big deal to run a website like that and I’m not sure I’m up to that task or even up to asking for help.

Like so many things I work on, the idea is perfect. The idea is where the excitement comes in. It’s day two when it turns into a chore and you realize all the things that came up as ideas have multiple steps and it’s not going to be as easy as you thought about the night before. If it was easy somebody else would have done it already.

They did. It’s called twitter, instagram, Reddit, TikTok, marketplace,, Adult Friend Finder, Flickr, CraigsList, OnlyFans, All my Links and Facebook with games  planned Activities, messaging, chat, video chat and a Facebook wall feed plus member stores. It’s just that no one’s done them all in one yet. The software can do it but I don’t think it can handle being busy.

I’d like to think the concept of doing it per city means the hosting servers don’t have to be thousands and thousands of dollars to handle everybody at once.

The perfect idea broken down by reality. That’s why I like thinking about it and not the details of doing things. Still it could be a cool project for small groups. Reddit groups for drugs are less than 200 people online at once most of the time.

I forgot. I also made another mini music movie overnight. It’s not one of my best but I like it. After I posted it around I found a way I could have made it better but I’m happy with it and I can use the new ideas next week. I’m keeping to my schedule of one decent video effort a week now… Kind of.

I’ll post in in a blog later.

Happy Tuesday!

Edit: I also added a new public domain sketch comedy script to my skit collection free for public use. I may do more soon. I also wrote a new chapter for my Story of Justin and the clocktower.


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