A thought just hit me as I lay in bed opening a container of chocolate chip cookies as quietly as I can. For over 10 years, I have lived in environments where I felt I had to be extra quiet. The reasons have differed but my last three homes has consequences if I made too much noise. Consequences meaning somebody would be disturbed and potentially mad at me.
My prime directive in this life has always been to do everything I can to avoid being replied at . This is a classic example. The rules have always been; don’t interrupt, don’t annoy, don’t be noticed. You might get yelled at.
I exagurate the consequences in my head, just to safe. If I make too much noise, the other people in the house will be disturbed.
This house is the worst because the sensitive parties I have to be constantly aware of reside directly above my bed. They have hearing many times more accurate and sensitive than any human. They are Havanese puppies and if I disturb them with a noise, not only will they begin to bark, it sets off a major chain reaction that starts barking dogs in four different areAs, thugs waking everyone in the house and the neighbours too.
People yell.
Just like in my last two homes, the fridge is in a danger zone. I can’t access the outside world or late night nourishment without triggering the k9 alarm. Luckily I can get to the bathroom without disturbing them, but I won’t flush until the morning.
Just in case
Am I crazy to care? I feel like I may be iver-reacting by limiting my activities so much, but it’s a real thing that happens. If I go upstairs, the house will wake up and be somewhat annoyed. In most cases, it’s fine. I don’t need to leave or get food at night anyway it was just interesting to realize it’s been a repeating pattern of everywhere I’ve been. Making noise at night is blocked.
A fact of basement dwellings I guess.