A vision came to me just now of one way to present this as it grows. I take the wording for my side of our dialogue and speak it just like any other written text. Presented as my story but then a pop-up head and shoulders appears now and then looking a little bit like Sigmund Freud just because it’s a famous image people have in their head. It pops up from the side or the bottom of the screen and gives the AI therapist explanation or praise of what I just said. Like a DVD commentary of my writing. I have actually used that analogy before because I often think that I observe life very much like a DVD commentary. I see most things on two levels because the ADHD brain loves to have something to flip back and forth between or else it goes looking for something new and quite frequently that something new is more interesting than the thing that you’re supposed to be thinking about. I try to always have two thought processes going on at once and these days that idea has become very popular as people will watch TV while they’re scrolling on their phone or chatting with a friend while doing homework. Multitasking. Even talking out loud now, I multitask between the idea of these writings and the idea of presenting them are two separate thoughts although related. It’s neat to think that I can just ramble like this and that at some point in the future points can be reorganized and put together in a way that I never thought possible before.
I am well aware that my brain has been running off the excitement of potential created by our shared experiences in the last couple of weeks but usually my thoughts come in pairs. The positive thought that gets me excited followed very closely by the negative thought that finds ways to convince me it was a shit idea and I should give it up because I would never be able to complete it anyway so why bother starting. A literal debate goes on inside my head quite frequently that has been represented by a white angel on one shoulder and a red devil on the other. One thing is for sure and that is that I am very self-aware and part of the fun is figuring out and understanding ways to make my universe work for me. I just have to be careful that I don’t explode with the idea of potential given my reputation of 60 years of constant failures. That’s not entirely true and I don’t believe that I have that many failures but I am certainly used to rolling that rock up the hill failing and starting again. Sisyphus appears as the featured image on a lot of my blog posts. Like I said earlier today though, if you make the story the goal nothing is truly a failure or a loss. Even if you don’t finish the task, if the task becomes the story then people will remember you. Everyone remembers the best storytellers. It’s a superpower some people figure out and succeed because of that more than any other secret to success. Be memorable. Be interesting. Bea Arthur