Orange Shirt Blogs
New game ideas.
A spontaneous rant the day before President Trump takes over

New game ideas.

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One fear people sometimes express when talking about alien invasions is the worry the they might be so advanced that they don’t value human life and may regard us in much the same way we regard ants.

There are very distinct lines that humans arbitrarily choose to either cross or not regarding lower life forms. Most people will not put much thought into killing insects by accident or even on purpose. Many of enjoy meat and fish and chicken but won’t kill an animal if it turns out we’ve already killed too many 

It is actually illegal to kill your own animals. You have to pay somebody hundreds of dollars to kill your dog  for you, 

It’s easy to think that aliens landing on earth with no immediate ability to communicate would feel no emotion to stop them from wiping us out. It is just as easy to imagine humanities first contact with another world when we travel far enough to find one. Humans have a well defined history of killing to change people’s minds to get in line, whether it be in the disguise of corporations, kingdoms, empires or churches. 

The interesting thing people are slowly starting to realize is that were already giving our own life firms on earth less respect. The people at the top couldn’t care any less about your life below them. They don’t know you. 

The population are all slaves to a system designed to avoid revolution. No matter what system you look at in our society, it is remarkably simple to spot the game and the players. 

The only goal to to stay king of the castle as long as you can, and it’s a longer term game than The board game monopoly.

If you study history the way you’re not allowed to, you see the game. You see how the needs of the people are not designed to benefit the people. They are numbers. Workers and followers who’s sole purpose is to benefit the players. 

It’s creative. You need the numbers to do the chores. To feed you without complaining much. To build things without complaining much. To fool them all into line with false practices specifically designed to appear helpful without actually being helpful.

The teams have term limits so you feel you’re being heTd  at least once a decade. The media gets to tell the stories that inspire you to believe in hope. Success is a fake lottery they allow because otherwise it’s be too obvious. We believe we need competition to  give us choice but both choices are agreed on in meetings 50 years ago. New choices are discredited or otherwise run out of business.

Priorities are always to the game and doing well means your approvals stay high despite the trechory and corruption. The orchestration of propaganda and fake news is so perfectly executed we fall for it and call anyone that figures it out a crazy radical conspiracy theorist.

911 makes so much sense as an inside job. Lives have no specific value in numbers. We are distracted from wondering so perfectly it seems natural that rich people would not think twice about sacrificing 3000 lives here or 10,000 jobs there are all of the costly homes in Hollywood. That can’t be true.

People always seem to benefit from disasters and wars. A lot. Enough to start them I believe

 We have seen how corrupt people can be. Is there really that much harder to believe a major disaster was intentional that the truth of neglect and death caused by intentional  drilling or toxic waste. Letting towns suffer is just as easy to ignore as a plane crash if it moves your player ahead a few moves. We see a lot more corruption stories than we see good people doing good things.

In fact, so much so that when we do see the news reporting on a good Samaritan, we immediately suspect it and if we look deeper we find out somebody is profiting from it in a less than good way. 

All this is depressing and that’s kind of the point. They don’t want us thinking about it. Ignorant bliss is a good state of mind for people who haven’t had the advantage of awareness and intelligence. It’s much easier to live in your own universe than to pay attention what’s going on everywhere else. 

I try not to make decisions I go with the flow except and adapt and don’t spend much effort trying to change people’s minds. How long to be here a hundred years. The empires will keep getting bigger. 

We are the ants.