It’s interesting when my memory is accurate up until a point and then something which seems obvious that should have happened didn’t.
In today’s example while walking back from my morning cow feed and count I happen to notice a carton of eggs on the side of the path. It was open and about four or five of the eggs were broken The remaining ones were scattered about on one side of the fence.
I understood what had happened. I had left this carton of eggs on the side of the path up by the gate because I don’t like carrying a full carton of eggs around when I’m waltzing through the pasture trying to find missing cows. I remembered the carton and came back for it later. I even made a video about how frustrating it was that I wasn’t clever enough to have placed the eggs on the other side of the gate. This meant I had to open the gate just to get the carton of eggs and take them back into the house.
I remember this distinctly because I tend to remember things I complain about especially if they were on video and this was. The funny thing is, I don’t actually remember picking up the carton and taking it back.
I remember going through the gate to get it but something must have distracted me in that final moment and I walked away from the carton of eggs. Moreover I didn’t see it on my way back so the carton of eggs must have stayed by the gate.
This is the only time I can think of that I left eggs behind and although it wasn’t where I found the carton, it was close enough to make the story. The cats or perhaps dogs must have smelled the eggs picked them up and walked off with them only to reach the fence where they left them behind, opened up a few to eat and moved on. I can’t think of any other exclamation for why they would be 100 ft away against a fence.
In any case I remember this being only 3 days before or so. The day’s blend together so easily it could have been last week but I don’t think so. Either way they were still fine so I picked up the remaining ones and brought them into the fridge to write this blog. I’m going to check and see my video. If it’s easy enough to find it’ll be interest to see what happened after I got through the gate somehow ignoring the purpose of why I was there in that moment.