I have not been blogging so much, mainly because almost every waking moment is spent at my computer desk maintaining a strong hyper focus while programming PHP and JavaScript tools. It’s a strange kind of fun, mixed with frustration. A lot of what keeps me coming back is the process of learning more about how AI works.
It gives me a new joy as I discover how things work, and the old joy that comes from my memories of when I used to program things the old way, by hand. Commodore BASIC. Good times.
Programming with an AI assistant is a bit of an unfair usage of the term assistant. I get to feel like the boss with an employee that doesn’t complain and does almost all the work. It’s quite pleasing to have somebody I can count on to do my bidding.
It’s taken me a few months to master some of the quirks that come with programming without a brain. They think different and it’s very fun figuring out why it fails. Some bugs can take a few days to resolve but the challenge is always fun even when I want to yell and call it stupid.
It occurs to me that life would be a lot harder to be happy without this full time distraction. I have not missed TV shows, movies, lunch dates. I just sit alone coding tools that may or may not ever find an audience.