Lots of new
9 new Orpington chickens. 3 also new but not as new Orpingtons. These were all incubated from our own massive and handsome chickens although it possible one may be from the black hen that hangs out with them. Orpingtons grow

Lots of new

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9 new Orpington chickens. 3 also new but not as new Orpingtons. These were all incubated from our own massive and handsome chickens although it possible one may be from the black hen that hangs out with them.

Orpingtons grow fast and large.

Then we have 9 yellow Orpingtons we bought as chicks that are pretty big now. We move them in with the 11 red chickens soon. Funny how there is one black chicken in every group. All the other hens have one black friend.

A new kitten that is simultaneously annoying but fun to watch. More than any others, I can observe her learning the universe all new to her. It is inconceivable how babies in the animal kingdom deal with the reality of everything being new. That’s what makes the kitten irritating as well especially when she’s in my room knocking over things and testing the limits of everything.

Then we have two sets of new puppies too. Six from one new first time mother and 3 from an experienced mom. All are doing well and entering the squeaking phase.

It’s all new here on the farm, just enough to keep each repeating day a little different. 



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