Orange Shirt Blogs
Landscape video blog not found
Wild dreams and sleepy mornings.

Landscape video blog not found

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Now that I’m making a lot of videos, it’s hard to find the ones for the blog separate from the ones for YouTube so I’ve been making the blog posts in landscape mode but the Google photos tool and the photo select tool are both square so the idea turns out to be moot. I can’t tell which videos are landscape until they’re loaded. 

I couldn’t find the blog I wanted to post from yesterday. Add to this the problem that my phone is running so low on space that I have to transfer files to the Google drive everyday and so that video isn’t even here. 

I have no idea what it was about cuz it was more than 24 hours ago. So instead here’s today’s blog. 

I woke up twice to go to the bathroom but fell back asleep quickly and then woke up to my alarm at 7:23 but the dreams were so good, I let the snooze run twice and didn’t wake up until 7:45. I rushed over to see what little tiny bits of meth I could find to help me wake up more. 

As expected, my rationing left me just enough so I’m awake at 7:58 a.m. eating chocolate and writing this blog. The dreams hit many of the basics from my dream universe. In hotel rooms being poor getting bank machines not to work while people waited. That’s a frustration dream of with a new twist. I brought back one of my old staples and almost had sex naked in a classroom with JT. It turns out she just needed money which was a huge letdown because our naked almost sex session rebuilt some confidence for me and it was then crushed. 

I even brought back one of the most fascinating dream universe stories with the earpiece that broadcast to chat channels that I’m still not certain is a dream or real but my almost make out sex session with broadcast to chat rooms and Tarzan Dan who is a disc jockey I never really listened to but has reemerged in my life on my BC radio station afternoon drive.

So it was a pretty cool dream with pluses and minuses some things from my real life like running away without any possessions and being poor and some things from my dream universe likes a hotel convention, not quite having good sex and that original girlfriend. 

It’s easy to see why I didn’t know what the snooze alarm was the first time but as it continued into my dream I found a way to put it off for 9 minutes twice. 

It’s now 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday and I am awake eating chocolate, I’ve had my pill, I’ve had my clouds and I’m ready for the day. 

I might even fix the mistake I made a week ago and deleting half the images off this blog without realizing it until yesterday. 

That’s going to be a tricky challenge that might get put off but we’ll see. Happy Saturday 





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