Jetpack Pros and Cons
Jetpack is a plugin series of mobile companion products by Wordpress to help make some tasks easier on your phone.

Jetpack Pros and Cons

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I like “the idea” of the Jetpack app for WordPress. It is a phone app that simplifies blogging from my phone without the overhead of the admin back end of WordPress. Basically giving me a text editor that I can use quickly to post my thoughts quickly.

Then it uploads it all at the end, so it works even if I’m blogging out of service. I’m not doing web design or theme management with it and I don’t usually have need for any plugins during this creative writing process, so it works.

I can even take advantage of Grammarly while I type. The only issue I have with it, is unfortunately a huge one. It really sucks at getting images and videos from my phone onto the web. On 80% of the case, it just fails and I have to load the image using a browser anyway, which makes me not use Jetpack at all.

I load my browser and it works first try, unless it tells me the file is bigger than 256mb on which case, I compress it and try again.

For this post, I was in a negative headspace and I just wanted to start typing about my day, and my mood and just get right into it. Jetpack was fast. Ironically I started blogging about the app itself, and it slid my down mood out of the way.

I don’t need to retell every story about spontaneous depression that arises day to day. This blog is a distraction. Much like saying; I’m fine when a friend asks me how I’m doing.

I’m never totally fine, but it wasn’t worth sharing to remember from the future. Overall, I am fine.

I have waffled


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