Recently, when I began what I am now referrinng to by thye name; Phase 2 of my mid life change…I knew I would be living on the edge of danger and mental health. I even inckluded fantasy scenarios in my mind of losing some of my itellegence. I watched my father turn from proud hard wrker to depressed sad man when he could no longer remember how to be tghat man. IT was heart breaking, both for him and for mr to watch, and feel vicariously.
Today, I felt an oddness I wasn’t familiar with. An after weirdness on the Monday of a party weekend. I had been up since Thursday morning and had a wild and memorable experience with my new friend. I was high off smiles for lomger than usual… but I didn’t make it o sleep till Monmday at about 9:30AM.
I was woken up, totaly by coincidence when a different friend texted me; HAPPY 4:20
It made me smile, especially as my cell phone reads the message out loud in it’s funky voice.
When I woke up however, I felt a little spacey. That seems to be a word people use when they can think of no other. Dazed and cionfused.
Zeppelin. I have created a story about invisibility. If every element in pur known universe vibrates at a different rate, it is possible to identify objects on earth that may not have come from earth. It is cioncievable that, if it were possible to modify the speed of — rate of vibration of an element or elements, it would just change it’s density. You could turn tin into gold.
Howeve, ois it nmot equa;l;y conciebvabl;e that items which bear vibration raytes outsoide our scale, may be invisible to the naked eye, and perhaps even pass solids through solids. If we culd shift the vibrationrate into high or kloer speeds thgan ioyr universe supports we ay find they vanish.
There could be a hapy family with a baby, existing right where you stand occupying tyhe same space, but at such a different vibration. we don’t see the/.
hat was the mment I lost interest. My red voice heck,ledfrom it’s cheap seats far from my fingers, but it convinc es me thisnotr a keeper… a nd theen takes the bval and runs.,
Jeff run.