Doing nothing is getting harder
I used to boast occasionally about how good I was at doing nothing. I could do nothing better than anyone I know. Unfortunately it’s much easier to do nothing when you have money coming in anyway and when you don’t

Doing nothing is getting harder

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I used to boast occasionally about how good I was at doing nothing. I could do nothing better than anyone I know. Unfortunately it’s much easier to do nothing when you have money coming in anyway and when you don’t and someone else is paying the bills you have to battle with your want to do nothing against your need to be polite and guilt free.

My current living situation relies heavily on the kindness and generosity of my sister and her husband. It’s difficult to do nothing in this house these days without feeling like I should be doing something.

It gets worse when I occasionally have to borrow money to get myself out of some debt that the last remaining expenses of my business requires. This is the case today and instead of solving it, I lay here on my bed writing this. At least for now.

I haven’t eaten much last few days so my motivation is low.

I don’t know how I will solve it yet but I will. It’s what I do. Staying close to the ground that others may call rock bottom. Scrounging for solutions.

Tags: depressed


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