I’m laying in my bed at 7:30 am recalling that time I was invited to a rich persons home to hobnob with celebrities at a premier part for a new Adam Sandler movies and afterwards I was chilling with Adam telling him how I felt about it. suddenly it occurred to me I was in bed remembering it was the dream I just woke up from.
That has to be the coolest dream realization I’ve ever had. It was a very elaborate dream much like the ones I used to enjoy, except that while I was remembering it I didn’t realize it was a dream until just now.
As usual, details fade away quite quickly and I have to stand up and begin my round of morning activities. Even more of the memory will vanish as I stand and walk down hallway to pee. I do remember telling Adam that I like his movies generally and although this may not have been my favourite movie of all time like some of the passer-bys were claiming, it was a solid favourite among Adam Sandler films, and I predicted a big hit as always for it.
The secret to an Adam Sandler film, as I saw it was a very strong first act, and a touching strong ending, and the middle could contain all the crazy over the top poorly contracted silliness that people might remember but from , and forgive because of pure laughs, but they’d leave remembering the start and finish being good. .I even went as far as to claim he paid a more costly set of writers for acts one and four as part of the Sandler template.
He shyly confessed not many pick up on that and was impressed at my understanding. Then we laughed at how bad the middle bits really were in the film.
Another participant standing next to us piped in with his opinion about how funny that guy chewing gum was and how he loved the way the catering truck guy delivered the main course. I looked at Adam and we both understood this was the perfect example. His audience appreciates the silly parts.
I talked about how some small parts are elevated from background uncredited roles to getting noticed and in Hollywood, getting a non speaking extra role to appear in the credits is rare, but we noted ”gum chewing guy” was in the credits and that guy got a Hollywood credit for it.
Knowing Adam, he might even be in his next film.
It was a cool dream with confidence and lots of shared dialogue. I felt like I belonged in the scenes rather than a shy spectator. I enjoyed recalling bits of it now, as I blog from my toilet.
I don’t usually dream this vividly until October, but the weather in the mountains is more autumn temperatures I suppose. Hot days and cool nights effects my brain like an Ontario October I guess.
It pleases me.