Orange Shirt Blogs
Month: January 2025

Month: January 2025

Spontaneous dream memory

Spontaneous dream memory

As I get older I occasionally worry that I might start mixing up reality with my dreams. I have a very imaginative dream universe that is separate from my reality while awake but every now and then I have a memory spontaneously pop into my head and I'm not quite sure whether it was from a dream or something that I lived through. Oddly enough this happens more often with memories that couldn't...

Hello funk, my old friend

Hello funk, my old friend

I don't spend a lot of time in darkness so I had to change the lyric. Instead of being really depressed, I just get in kind of a funk that lasts a few days. It comes and goes. I think what actually happens is when I go off my Paxil I start to think more about life and my situation and then when I get back on it then happiness returns I still get to think about how the medication is keeping me...

Memories of Logo 4 and Bye Bye Birdie

Memories of Logo 4 and Bye Bye Birdie

I have not been blogging so much, mainly because almost every waking moment is spent at my computer desk maintaining a strong hyper focus while programming PHP and JavaScript tools. It's a strange kind of fun, mixed with frustration. A lot of what keeps me coming back is the process of learning more about how AI works. It gives me a new joy as I discover how things work, and the old joy that...

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NetBound Tools Dopamine Programming

NetBound Tools Dopamine Programming

Most of my tool ideas were to fill specific needs for people like me using two or more tools and doing some in-betwen tasks. It never occured to me that the ai coding might be writing the hard programs too. It might be capable of bigger goals, like writing the big tools or forking them (modifying existing open source tools). I think a lot of people would appreciate a tool that accepts an image...

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The logic flaw you don’t know about AI Coding assistants

The logic flaw you don’t know about AI Coding assistants

I was waiting for some code to download and decided to vent to my AI Coding budy. I use CODY by Sourcegraph, which is a personality but between myself and the other top AI tools, depending on what I choose for the task. I vented a bit because I knew that if I wasted approximentally a month filled with frustration, that meant other people were having similar experiences and I know that also meant...

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The mental debate begins. Is it time?

The mental debate begins. Is it time?

My relationship with my daily drug has gone up and down over the last decade but somehow it seems different this last batch. I've discovered the feeling of the high part of my usage a little better. A slightly improved way of inhaling and a dosage that seems more intense. More regular usage also has me feeling more effects with the inhale than I have for a while. The other side of feeling more...

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Still not sure, but ptobably

Still not sure, but ptobably

There are some things in life we lie to ourselves about. The word maybe is an indicator. When most people say maybe, they already have the choice made up. Maybe is used to let somebody else down easy without committing to yes or no, but it probably means no. As a kid, eventually we learn that maybe we can go to Disneyland really means no. We lie to ourselves too, pretending there is a...

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From blah to ahhh

From blah to ahhh

It's a wild day in the arena of spectator sports watching the USA turn into a dictatorship. Not everyone is noticing that you can't search for Democrat on Instagram but replican displays a lot. Not everyone noticed you can't log in to the Spanish Whitehouse site anymore and you see a nice ”Go Home" button. Not everyone noticed several women's health government sites and domains went down. Almost...

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Who watches the watchers.

Who watches the watchers.

There is an episode in Star Trek The Next generation where the inhabitants of a planet mistakenly believe that Captain Picard is a god. Now that I think of it there are probably several episodes of Star Trek The Next generation where this happens and most likely a one or two in the original series and several in the other series but I'm referring specifically to the one named who watches the...

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Abandoned but not lost memories

Abandoned but not lost memories

After my recent but not total loss of the website I recovered it but with lots of blank placeholders where there used to be messages. I haven't quite figured out why that happened but I'm ignoring it and moving forward. I downloaded a plugin that went through the entire system and found 4081 media files That appeared not to be connected to any web page. So they were on the server but not being...

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Morning non-routine

Morning non-routine

I recently learned from a TikTok video that many of the things that I once considered a unique part of my personality are apparently quite common among people with ADHD or autism. One of the things that most interested me was the idea that routines were different for us then the typical human population.  I never really thought about this particular aspect of my life but after hearing somebody...

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get to Gnome me

Claude is a lazy child that thinks it knows more than its parents.

I am shocked at thigs I learned today about Cody. A front end tool for programming Claude that does things wrong. I even asked it for the language that I could use to fix it but it continued to be lazy and lie outright to me, ignoring very specific instructions. This approach to quick fixes has wasted literal days and days troubleshooting code fixes that could never be fixed because Claude...

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Blogging Offline

Blogging Offline

I didn’t read this before posting it. I’m not sure when I wrote it. Sometime last week or last month perhaps. I just found it on a different phone and published.

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January 2025
