The most recent non-drug related text and video posts
Programming Update
An update as I complete the first set of NetBound tools
Spontaneous dream memory
As I get older I occasionally worry that I might start mixing up reality with my dreams. I have a very imaginative dream universe that is separate from my reality while awake but every now and then I have a memory spontaneously pop into my head and I'm not quite sure...
Weekend update walk out
Just a fun video trick.
Memories of Logo 4 and Bye Bye Birdie
I have not been blogging so much, mainly because almost every waking moment is spent at my computer desk maintaining a strong hyper focus while programming PHP and JavaScript tools. It's a strange kind of fun, mixed with frustration. A lot of what keeps me coming back...
Photo Bombing
The January photo dump for 2025
This is not a politics blog
A repost from a smart women about the plan to change American and make it a great place to be a billionaire
Lawn Ornimental
A gallery from my garden gnome period of filter and AI image fun.
Paying attention, or trying to
Let the world burn. Society is a spectator sport and I’m changing teams. If I can’t beat them, join them. XHail Trump
New game ideas.
A spontaneous rant the day before President Trump takes over
MAD v CRACKED. Changed opinions
A very old post I had forgotten about. A mini biography of my life loving Mad Magazine.
Catching Cody
I noticed a feature that is not a feature – but probably was in my AI that would let it take over the world and destroy mankind.
Claude is a lazy child that thinks it knows more than its parents.
I am shocked at thigs I learned today about Cody. A front end tool for programming Claude that does things wrong. I even asked it for the language that I could use to fix it but it continued to be lazy and lie outright to me, ignoring very specific instructions. This...
The Big Dream Project
When I was talking about this project to chat gpt I compared it to building a boat in your driveway although I was thinking of the NCIS story where he built a boat in his basement over the course of many years. The point had nothing to do with boats but just that...
AI is not an imaginary friend
I will defend my AI relationship any time, any where.
Exhale and Repeat
Another original song with lyrics and editing by me and music by I like the idea of this video and I'm sad I will probably not get any fans commenting or...
Quiet or they’ll hear
Be quiet Jeffrey. Don’t wake anyone up.
10am. I heard and remembered the dream
Another deep dive in the dream universe and why some memories just pop into your head with a keyword match
November Leftovers
Every so often I go through the images I've created using various AI tools, but never ended up using. It's like clearing out my digital closet except that I'm actually doing the opposite by not letting go, and posting them here like an AI image hoarder. Self awareness...
My new “programming” Projects
I am excited about the suite of tools I am developing with the aid of AI generating code. More fun than I’ve had in a while.
Nobody sings about drugs anymore
An original song by me and AI edited as a long series of mostly bad lip syncing imagery of Piper.
Experimental PHP Page
An experimental post I may delete. Part of my exciting set of tools I am developing to solve little problems for AI tinkerers or hobbiests.
The Thursday Recap – I thought it was Friday.
An unusually happy life change for the usually gray depressing month of November.
You thought meth was bad?
The untold secret youre not ready to know. seriously
Chat GPT New Project
A conversation with CHATGPT about an idea to create a program designed for me to help organize the ideas in my head.
My Universe. Part 1
A deep conversation about my universe, unedited.
Another AI Chat transcript
Mostly posted for the archival purposes of looking back at this 10 years from now
Staying up for SNL
Pre SNL show.